McTag wrote:
There's no need to bicker, chaps, so please cut each other some slack.
We all have our faults, yes me too, but I think Oristar's English is better than Setana's Mandarin.(I know that's not the point here)
Y'all have a nice day. I'm taking my wife's parents to the newly-rebuilt and refurbished Manchester Central Library today.
Why not take some photos of the library and share with us? Nice day to you.
But no need to gloss over Setanta's mistke. He's an absolute Mandarin analphabetic.
Setanta's smear (his attack with "a snide little creep") simply exposes his ignorance and laughable arrogance.
Look to something beyond your imagination, Setanta. I appreciate Mrs. Michelle Obama's sincere and humble attitude in learning Mandarin (see the picture attached). Because she's making efforts to build the bridge. And you, Setanta, seem obliged to join the exertion if you appreciate cultural exchanges between nations, especially US and China.
And remember: Never too old to learn.