Thu 6 May, 2004 08:39 pm
Someone was asking about this but I don't recall which thread it was in. This is what I remember hearing on a radio talk show.
So Kerry committed VietNam atrocities and Bush commanded the Armies which committed the Iraq atrocities. What's the difference?
Tu quoque
This is the famous "you too" fallacy. It occurs if you argue that an action is acceptable because your opponent has performed it. For instance:
"You're just being randomly abusive."
"So? You've been abusive too."
This is a personal attack, and is therefore a special case of Argumentum ad Hominem.
mporter is a staunch conservative, he's just pulling legs.
Mr. DeKere: I am afraid you are mistaken. Would a conservative send a $100.00 contribution to the Nader campaign?
He might. What's the address?
It was me, I think. That clip isn't captioned... do you have a transcript (or would you mind transcribing it?)
It has audio and subtitles. I didn't see a transcript. Are you having trouble opening it?
Oh, subtitles, really? I had to download something and had a window open that said my security settings didn't like it. Usually Windows media clips aren't captioned.
He admits to committing atrocities insofar as he participated in normal American military actions at the time. He regards many military "routine" actions of the conflict as illegal and contrary to the Geneva convention. He also, as a young man, regarded many of these "normal" actions as genocidal - an accusation that, as a more mature man, he no longer considers warranted.
The tape gave me more respect for Kerry than I had before.
The header to this thread is misleading, in my view.
I had no worries with the downloaded material, Soz.
Tarantulas wrote:Tu quoque
This is the famous "you too" fallacy. It occurs if you argue that an action is acceptable because your opponent has performed it. For instance:
"You're just being randomly abusive."
"So? You've been abusive too."
This is a personal attack, and is therefore a special case of Argumentum ad Hominem.
This from a staunch supporter of the "anything I do is okay because Clinton got a blow job" clan......
Actually, Kerry should be arrested for War Crimes since he admitted to purposely shooting women and children and raising villages. The reason there isn't more outcry for it is because he said he was sorry and aparently that is all it takes to be forgiven, unless you are a republican.
A ridiculous and inflamatory thread. I wonder why the moderators allowed this on the board? At very least, lock it from further activity.
Green- because this thread is how great Kerry is and how bad Bush is, it will be allowed to continue. That seems to be the overall tone of a2k
Because you have the option of not reading it.
This is tame compared to the multitude of threads bashing Bush and the current government, yet I don't recall any complaints from you on those threads...odd.
Well, he didn't use his family connections to avoid it!
greenumbrella wrote:A ridiculous and inflamatory thread. I wonder why the moderators allowed this on the board? At very least, lock it from further activity.
John Kerry wrote:I would have to say that, that yes, yes I committed the same kind of atrocities that thousands of other soldiers have committed...
What's inflammatory or ridiculous about the thread? I want to know why you said this.
I am proud of John Kerry for being brave enough to admit that he committed those acts and coming home and telling the world. He could have said that he saw others commit those acts, but he honorable didn't. What he did was admit that he committed them as well and then he went on to tell what other have said they have committed as well.
People do things, that is sometimes forgivable. What is not forgivable is at first refusing to admit that some action is wrong in the first place, and in the second place you didn't commit them if they were wrong.
If Bush came on TV and just admitted that the Iraq was an excercise in exploring an idealogical dream that has gone horribly bad, I would forgive him too if he was willing to do whatever it takes to (at least) try to fix it. But I don't hold my breath.