Ah yes, the good old days! How I miss the air raid drills in school, diving under one's desk and hoping not to bang your head in the process. Bomb shelters filled with nonperishibles that you wouldn't share with your neighbors, if attacked. Boufont hair-dos that could go up in flames, if careless enough to be close to open flames.
Yes, those were the days! (Sigh!) Amos and Andy on tv. Tonto going into town and getting beaten up by "Blackie" and his gang, in each episode. Segregation and common bigotry. Lynchings of blacks by the KKK were common place. Veterans refering to the Germans as "Nazis", whether ther were or not. Japanese being called "Japs' and always with a sneer.
In politics, Tito was still in power as was Franco. Ike was President and that nice young man from California was VP. Now what was his name? Dicky something. Didn't he become something else? Hmmmmmmm. (Scratches head in senility.)

Oh well, it may come to me.
Yes, those were the days. I had a crush on Ricky Nelson, Ozzie and Harriet's youngest son. My older sister matured and I was jealous and frustrated when my sister matured as she did and I didn't.

However, that was remedied later.

Rock and roll was considered "immoral" and a "fad". Beatniks were hip and no one had heard of Vietnam yet...except the French and Viet Mihn.
Somehow, things are forgotten and replaced by memories of the likes of Howdy Doody, Capitn Kangaroo, Jet Jackson, Captain Midnight, Hopalong Cassidy, Kookla, Fran and Ollie. Of course we can't forget Sherry Lewis, Edgar Bergan, Superman or even "Big" John and Little Sparkey.
Those traditions, eh?