You also cite these same prison statistics, in other contexts, to assert that blacks are more prone to criminal behaviors, and hence more dangerous, or lawless, and more to be feared, and consequently regarding them with suspicion is therefore justified etc. That's when you're not telling us they are barely civilized and always on the verge of rioting, looting, and burning down our cities--mindlessly led, of course, by Al Sharpton.
I can only imagine how sickening it is for an African American, like Buttermilk, to listen to this crap. I'm white and I find it sickening.
I don't wonder you can't understand how black NBA players feel when they listen to Donald Sterling's remarks, and why his own team players turned their shirts inside outside out, to conceal the Clippers logo, in protest of him, and why the players union wants to see him gone.
This thread is about Donald Sterling and the current situation with the NBA. And the irrelevant crap you're dragging in, and compulsively reiterating, is totally unrelated to the topic.
Sure, you're entitled to your opinions, just as Sterling is. And others are entitled to react to what you both say. And, as I said before, words don't get through to you, so I'll resort to images...this should be your avatar.