Colonic Hydrotherapy

Reply Thu 6 May, 2004 07:40 am
dlowan wrote:
I have no impacted you know........

according to most studies both pro and con on the subject of colonic therapy that I've read almost everyone does to an extent...of course bunnies are herbivores are they not?
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Reply Thu 6 May, 2004 07:41 am
Not Bunnies!
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Reply Thu 6 May, 2004 07:42 am
Oh, yes - sorta - LOTS of fibre!
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Reply Thu 6 May, 2004 08:59 am

I'd like to see the research you're referring to as study after study after study indicates that it is placebo, and other very real, very strong psychological effects. The power of the mind is incredible so in essence temporal relation does not mean cure. Irrigation if anything makes one more susceptible if anything else. You're removing the protective bacteria that maintains a healthy colon.

J Clin Gastroenterol. 1997 Jun; 24(4): 196-8.

Colonic irrigation and the theory of autointoxication: a triumph of ignorance over science.

Ernst E.

Autointoxication is an ancient theory based on the belief that intestinal waste products can poison the body and are a major contributor to many, if not all, diseases. In the 19th century, it was the ruling doctrine of medicine and led "colonic quackery" in various guises. By the turn of the century, it had received some apparent backing from science. When it became clear that the scientific rationale was wrong and colonic irrigation was not merely useless but potentially dangerous, it was exposed as quackery and subsequently went into a decline. Today we are witnessing a resurgence of colonic irrigation based on little less than the old bogus claims and the impressive power of vested interests. Even today's experts on colonic irrigation can only provide theories and anecdotes in its support. It seems, therefore, that ignorance is celebrating a triumph over science.

I don't understand what is so complex here .. there is loads and loads of crap passing along constantly ... bacteria absorbs toxins .. colon absorbs water .. Retain toxins somehow? How does it do this????
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Reply Thu 6 May, 2004 09:13 am
Colon Hydrotherapy
The Key to Good Health and Vitality!
by Cheryl Ashby, C.C.T.
A healthy colon is the key to living a healthy life!

The colon (large intestine), is the end portion of the human digestive tract. The colon is approximately 5 to 5½ feet long and 2½ inches in diameter. Its major functions are to conserve water in the body... and to eliminate waste from the body. There are "friendly" bacteria living in the healthy colon which synthesize valuable nutrients such as vitamins 'K' and portions of the 'B' complex. But unfortunately...

The average American does not have a healthy colon!

I'll bet you didn't know that the average person -- one who is neither overweight, nor noticeably allergic to things -- may have 10 to 25 pounds of dried fecal matter in their colon! But that's for someone who is at normal weight for their height and age...

The typical American diet, consisting of high-fat, low-fiber, refined junk foods... including flour, meat, fat, sugar, alcohol, preservatives and toxins, is the primary reason the colon becomes so unhealthy. The toxins generated from accumulated waste matter in the colon, are responsible for many body imbalances... which can lead to very serious weight and health problems!

Furthermore, the average American diet includes less than a fraction of the fiber foods necessary to promote elimination of toxins from the body. Poor diet, improper food-combining and lack of dietary fiber make maintenance of a healthy colon virtually impossible. As a consequence . . .

It is very common to find people with unhealthy and weakened digestive systems!

"Virtually all weight challenges can be traced to imbalances in the
colon/digestive tract as either a primary contributor... or a secondary
problem which accentuates slowdowns in other critical body systems, like the endocrine (glandular) system and the circulatory system."

Toxins present in the unhealthy colon can be transported into the circulatory system... And soon the body may be unable to properly metabolize food and fat, or to provide vital energy for living!

A classic sign of colon toxicity in women -- and one of their most common complaints about their figures -- is their potbelly. This condition may be very simple to correct by adopting an improved health regimen. A distended abdomen, may indicate a more serious problem and the presence of a fecal ball in the colon which gathers more and more coatings the longer it remains.

For many people, the signs of a colon dysfunction are so much a part of their everyday living experience that... They don't even suspect their health is in danger!

Benefits accomplished by Colon Hydrotherapy...

Toxic material is broken down so it can no longer harm your body or inhibit assimilation and elimination. Fecal debris built up over a long period is gently removed over a series of irrigations. Once this impacted material is removed, your colon can again begin its normal elimination function. A colon hydrotherapy session may be considered a rejuvenation treatment for your body.

The build up of toxic debris weakens the colon and impairs its function. Gentle filling and emptying of the colon can improve peristaltic (natural muscular contraction) activity, which aids efficient removal of waste material.

Over time, the natural shape of a problematic colon will become distorted . . . causing even more problems. The gentle water action and massage techniques of the therapist will help eliminate protruding pockets of waste and narrow, spastic constrictions. After a series of colon hydrotherapies, the colon gradually begins to resume its natural shape.

Stimulation of Reflex Points:
Every system and organ of the body is connected to the colon by reflex points. A colon hydrotherapy session stimulates these reflex points, thereby affecting the corresponding body parts . . . in a beneficial way, similar to reflexology.
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Reply Thu 6 May, 2004 09:34 am
Few points

I checked out the author's credentials. A naturopath who also likes selling ear candling as well. That is hardly valid research.

That article is a heap of phooey.
" Toxic material is broken down so it can no longer harm your body or inhibit assimilation and elimination " This is the very purpose of the colon.

Quackery sells.
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Reply Thu 6 May, 2004 10:57 am
I notice that the 24 hour prep (laxative & restricted died) is sufficient to get a good colonoscopy and/or lower GI series. My inclination to to go with wenchilina on this one.
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Reply Thu 6 May, 2004 11:22 am
The US does indeed not have a healthy colon, what with Powell's son running the FCC. BPB, trust the wench, she knows lots of stuff when it comes to medicine.
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Reply Thu 6 May, 2004 03:41 pm
I'll retract that - I didn't have time at the moment to research more - meeting called but here's what WebMD says:

Awash in Speculation

More Than an Enema

By Catherine Rauch
WebMD Feature Archive
When Hank Fry of Columbus, Ohio, entered his 40s, he took stock of his health and decided to make a few changes. "One of my goals is to play golf on my 100th birthday," says the business consultant. So he began exercising more and studying spirituality.

So far so good, most doctors would say. Then as Fry turned 50, he added a new practice for rejuvenation that has yet to gain the endorsement of any mainstream medical organization: colon hydrotherapy (also known as colonics or high colonic) -- a deep-cleaning water treatment for the colon. Fry bought a home colonic kit off the Internet and gives himself a treatment every six weeks.

Fry is one among many. Due in part to vigorous Internet promotion, colonics are growing increasingly popular. And that has some doctors concerned. Not only is there scant evidence of any health benefits, but also the practice could be dangerous.

Growing popularity

Colon hydrotherapy dates back to biblical times. No one is certain how many people employ this practice today -- either via home treatments or via outside clinics -- but many in the field say the numbers are increasing, along with overall interest in alternative health practices.

"It's exploding around the world," says Dick Hownninger of the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy, based in San Antonio, Texas. The association has more than 800 members, up from just 100 members in 1996. Most are colon therapists, who administer treatments.

The treatment

Colon hydrotherapy methods differ, but most follow the same basic procedure. The colon is filled with cool or warm water through a tube inserted into the rectum. After several seconds to a few minutes, the water and any fecal matter are drained through a second tube. This process is repeated several times in one treatment. Sometimes minerals are added to the water.

Most people administering colonics today use disposable, sterile tubing, and machines regulate the temperature and pressure of the water. Colon hydrotherapy itself is not regulated, although the association of colon hydrotherapists runs a voluntary certification program, as do several machine manufacturers.

Even among colon hydrotherapists there are different opinions on what benefits can be derived from the procedure. Some say that simply flushing out old fecal matter promotes energy and wellness. Others are more specific.
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Reply Thu 6 May, 2004 03:50 pm
Water up my bum,
thank god it's not a thumb,
although I am invaded,
perhaps this was belated.
While pseudo-science frightens me
perhaps it's something that should be
free for the punters willing to payyyy...
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Reply Thu 6 May, 2004 06:56 pm
So my ex used an evacuation pump truck as part of the screenplay, really, he could tell it better. I was so hoping he would write at a higher level (smile).

I couldn't agree with Wenchillina more. I will add though, that some diets are better than others relative to leaving you impacted up the kazoo, and modifying those diets could be smart. What bad thing happens from clogging up? A certain lack of peace of mind re getting on with daily life in a carefree manner, maybe messing up hemorrhoids, and it's probably not great for blood pressure, or eye fluid pressure. Dunno, guessing on that.
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Reply Thu 6 May, 2004 10:24 pm
wenchilina wrote:
if a person isn't 'regular' then yes I suppose it would be beneficial .. however as long as one is 'regular' there is absolutely no need for colonic irrigation. None. The colon absorbs water, and the rest is crapped out. A tube with a hole in the end, that constantly sloughs off its lining and the bacteria that inhabit it, that performs a function of absorbing water from the matter that is passing through it constantly, cannot very well hold on to toxins. Unfortunately much of the so called scientific " evidence " in favor of these proceedures performed on healthy individuals is ancedotal.

My apologies if I came across as antagonistic in my last post.

Regularity has little to do with the primary issue. Namely, intestinal bacteria produce toxins, some of which are carcinogenic and thus have the potential to produce colon cancer. High fiber diets and colonic lavage help to eliminate the toxins and thereby reduce the probability of carcinogenesis.
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Reply Thu 6 May, 2004 10:26 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
friend wench no offense taken no apology necessary.

Pdiddie maybe it's because my mother and her gay lover used to tie me to the piano leg and give me enemas when I was around 10 and then beat me, but would reward me with cocaine after. That could explain some things.

Was someone playing the piano at the same time? Cool
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Reply Fri 7 May, 2004 05:26 am
Miller wrote:
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
friend wench no offense taken no apology necessary.

Pdiddie maybe it's because my mother and her gay lover used to tie me to the piano leg and give me enemas when I was around 10 and then beat me, but would reward me with cocaine after. That could explain some things.

Was someone playing the piano at the same time? Cool

and screaming "Hold your water"......
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Reply Fri 7 May, 2004 06:51 am
Miller wrote:
Regularity has little to do with the primary issue. Namely, intestinal bacteria produce toxins, some of which are carcinogenic and thus have the potential to produce colon cancer. High fiber diets and colonic lavage help to eliminate the toxins and thereby reduce the probability of carcinogenesis.

Even more reason to avoid the practise. Wiping away the likes of l. acidophilus that is multifunctional in it's cancer prevention : eliminate/neutralize ( as I'm sure you know ). I fail to see how a "clean slate " as it were supersedes diet and in fact, logically would even with probiotic supplements increase potential susceptibility.
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Reply Fri 7 May, 2004 07:15 am
I have decided to merely replace my coffee creamer with liquid plumber once a month...that ought to do it.....
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Reply Fri 7 May, 2004 07:32 am
If it doesn't, call Roto Rooter
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Reply Fri 7 May, 2004 04:25 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
I have decided to merely replace my coffee creamer with liquid plumber once a month...that ought to do it.....

Ah Embarrassed
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Reply Fri 7 May, 2004 04:26 pm
roger wrote:
If it doesn't, call Roto Rooter

Isn't that who you call when your prostate starts to act up? Confused
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Portal Star
Reply Sat 8 May, 2004 01:16 pm
Eating fiber cleans out your system. Unless you get a kick out of the enema, I see no reason for it.

Ever think about becoming a scientologist? I hear they're into coffee.
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