Snood, do you still have your tonsils? If you want to PM me that would be fine, but I have noticed that condition in several folks and in fact mr. g had that problem, and it turned out to be waxy white lumps that grew in his pitted tonsils. I had these extra long que tips which we would use to get down to the tonsil and dislodge the waxy buildup. For the patient, it sucks to have these waxy shapes stuck in the tonsil, but if you dislodge them with a long que tip, you can spit it out and chances are it won't come back. Depending on how many you have, you might want to proceed over several days. I have never asked a dentist about this, but I should. Mr. g got cleaned up quickly, no more bad breath for him. All you need to do, is look in your mouth, check out the tonsils, and if you see very small white dots, you are seeing the tip of the iceberg. Poke those dots with the que-tip and those nasty waxy lumps will tumble out, I recommend spitting them out as soon as it is dislodged, then work on as many others as you can. However, if you have trouble, please send me a PM. I know exactly what it smells like, and it has nothing to do with proper brushing, flossing, or mouthwash. Your hygiene routine is probably perfect, sometimes when we only see tiny white dots we think they couldn't possibly be the problem, but they are.