You can't seek negativity. You create it. The devil is the idea of negative feelings.
Do you hate more than you love? Overcome the hate with the love within yourself.
Hate is ugly. Unkind. Disrespectful. Else similar. The opposite of love.
Hate leads to sorrow. Feelings of sorrow. No one can appreciate such negative feelings. Not sure who would desire such feelings.
Love is the most beautiful feeling there is. The more understanding an individual is the more beautiful an individual is.
in·tel·li·gent [in-tel-i-juh nt]
having good understanding or a high mental capacity; quick to comprehend, as persons or animals: an intelligent student.
displaying or characterized by quickness of understanding, sound thought, or good judgment: an intelligent reply.
having the faculty of reasoning and understanding; possessing intelligence: intelligent beings in outer space.
Computers. pertaining to the ability to do data processing locally; smart: An intelligent terminal can edit input before transmission to a host computer.
Compare dumb (def 8).
having understanding or knowledge (usually followed by of ).
very smart
Synonyms: able, acute, alert, alive, all there, apt, astute, brainy, bright, brilliant, calculating, capable, clever, comprehending, creative, deep, discerning, enlightened, exceptional, highbrow, imaginative, ingenious, instructed, inventive, keen, knowing, knowledgeable, original, penetrating, perceptive, perspicacious, profound, quick, quick-witted, rational, ready, reasonable, resourceful, responsible, sage, sharp, smart, thinking, together, understanding, well-informed, whiz, wise, witty
Antonyms: foolish, idiotic, imbecile, stupid, unintelligent
Is as mentioned suffice for an individual's knowledge. How well do you understand.
The decision to understand, to want to understand and/or to remain ignorant belongs to everyone, each of us upon this earth.