@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
How do we know which stores are using recycled plastic bags?
Incidentally here in Britain shop assistants have got the disgusting habit of licking their fingers to make picking up a plastic bag easier for them
Here in NYC it is a habit that I believe goes back to the daily reading of newspapers. Men did it then, as a means to easily turn a page. With time, I have seen women do it more often to open a plastic bag, as a cashier. Occasionally, I see a male do it, and then I am wondering what other preferences the male might have? Oddly, the habit, when done by a male oftentimes seems to be by a male that is overly "chatty," or originally from outside the U.S., either South America, Europe (usually Southern Europe), or the Middle East. I suspect it might be considered sophisticated by the finger licker? In that case, it would be worthless to mention the habit to the offender, since it is considered just part of the culture that one was raised in.
Some stores are aware of the unhygienic habit, and have given cashiers a small wet sponge, in a receptacle, to wet their fingers.
I think this is another example of society devolving.