Congratulations, House Republicans!

Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2014 09:34 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
But to pick on glitter or rex?

Why pick on Laura Bush?
Reply Wed 18 Jun, 2014 06:04 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:
WHY do you insist on picking on the nicest ones here.
Slam me, I don't care, I might even deserve it.
But to pick on glitter or rex? Don't be a bully.
Rex slammed ME several times,
not that I care much, but I noted it.
He got mad because I described myself
as being selfish (which is true).
That has been true all of my life.
I encourage it.

bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 18 Jun, 2014 07:05 am
Who picked on Laura Bush? I don't even know Laura Bush. Do you?

Laura Bush killed her ex-boyfriend after he broke up with her. That's a pure non editorial publicly reported fact. No one, not even Laura Bush denies it. Are you denying it?
bobsal u1553115
Reply Wed 18 Jun, 2014 07:07 am
Guys like you and me invite it, and thrive on it. glitter and rex don't need it, want it or deserve it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jun, 2014 09:18 am
@bobsal u1553115,
That's a pure non editorial publicly reported fact.

So is the fact that Rex has admitted to being a poor put upon homosexual. And that you have went off the deep end several times accusing me of threatening you. Not to mention your extensive knowledge of the military actions during your time served.http://www.acidpulse.net/images/smilies/rofl1.gif All bullshit, all the time.

Also considering the fact wish everyone else to ignore me when you cant. Stop your whining Boob. Let Rex move in and make sure he has everything he needs.
Then you two can look for another forum together.
Reply Wed 18 Jun, 2014 09:23 am

Mr. Obama, who won’t allow Border agents to pursue smugglers, invaders and terrorists, has incredibly tightened the restrictions on border agents yet again. They must now avoid any situation that could involve lethal action. They can’t even block the cars of drug runners.

Reply Wed 18 Jun, 2014 09:34 am
Obama’s Newest Executive Order

Homos -1 American business -0
“Progressives” have concocted the rhetorical Trojan horse of “identity” (and “orientation”) to smuggle homoeroticism and gender confusion into legal territories where they don’t belong. “Identity” really just means the aggregate of feelings upon which “progressives” believe are morally licit to act. Nothing more. But by recasting subjective feelings and freely chosen behaviors as “identity” (or “orientation”), the Left has managed to successfully confuse categories of conditions, thereby illegitimately engrafting disordered sexuality (and the volitional behaviors that define it) into anti-discrimination law.

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2014/06/18/obamas-newest-executive-order/#hTs1XJZLDuB33zwG.99
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jun, 2014 09:51 am
The IRS Thinks We’re All Idiots

Where is the shill with his explanation for this one? Who here believes this crap?

The government seems to have a data problem. While the NSA has apparently been storing massive amounts of data on innocent Americans deep within its sinister archives, the IRS and the US Census Bureau just can’t seem to keep track of anything. What a difference an acronym makes.

In the continuing efforts to uncover the truth about the IRS’ scandalous targeting of conservative non-profits during the 2012 elections, Republicans have been trying to get hold of a number of emails from professional mute Lois Lerner. These emails would shed light on who knew what, and when, and whether the scandal goes up higher in the chain of command than officials are letting on.

However, it turns out the emails in question have been conveniently “lost,” as have emails from six other high ranking officials who may be implicated in the scandal.

Note that not all of the IRS’ emails have vanished, but just the ones from the relevant personnel from the specific period of time in which they may have incriminated themselves. That’s quite a narrow window, and quite a lucky coincidence for Lerner and friends. Unless of course you believe that, when it comes to government, there are no coincidences.

This selective information loss seems to have been going around lately, and now the Census Bureau is claiming to have run afoul of the same problem. This time, the selective amnesia comes with reference to a series of emails involving a little talked about scandal from last years in which Census workers were caught falsifying data in order to misrepresent the true unemployment rate. We’ll never know the true extent of the problem though, as the relevant documents are now nowhere to be found

0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jun, 2014 07:56 pm
Reply Wed 18 Jun, 2014 08:19 pm
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 09:38 pm
You're a ******* coward.
Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 09:45 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
You're a ******* coward.

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 10:17 pm
Bobby Jindal: Moron of the day.

by Adagio4639Follow


Moron of the day

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Saturday night accused President Barack Obama and other Democrats of “waging wars against religious liberty and education” and said that a rebellion is brewing in the U.S. with people ready for "a hostile takeover" of the nation's capital.

Governor Jindal isn’t really a right wing extremist. He just plays one for the media. This is a man with higher political ambitions, and the only way to fulfill them is to display your idiocy for a base constituency that gulps down this kind of talk as if it were moonshine. It’s intoxicating for the low hanging fruit in the GOP and Jindal knows that he needs to keep pace with the other flame throwers on the right if he’s going to have any traction toward the nomination. For example:

"I can sense right now a rebellion brewing amongst these United States," Jindal said, "where people are ready for a hostile takeover of Washington, D.C., to preserve the American Dream for our children and grandchildren."

What I can sense is the governor of a state inciting a violent overthrow of the United States Government by crazies that live off of conspiracy theories.

A “war against religious liberty”? There is no such “war” going on Governor, but of course you would know as everyone would, that religion is always a “hot button” with people, especially the most religiously conservative among us. There is no instance of any assault on religious liberty in this country. None. If you actually believed that there was, you would challenge the Administration on some grounds with some example that might support your contention. That challenge could be taken to the Supreme Court. But you don’t. Instead, you just say there is a war on religious liberty, and expect that there are enough idiots out there that will believe it. And then you follow this up with a “call to arms” against the United States?

The governor said there was a "silent war" on religious liberty being fought in the U.S. — a country that he said was built on that liberty. Ok. Demonstrate how that is true. Where and when and how is this “silent war” being waged?

"I am tired of the left. They say they're for tolerance, they say they respect diversity. The reality is this: They respect everybody unless you happen to disagree with them," he said. "The left is trying to silence us and I'm tired of it, I won't take it anymore."

You’re tired of the left? Guess what Guv…all of us are tired of these right wing conspiracy theorists like yourself that blatantly pander to the most ignorant fools in this country just to get their votes so that you might further your disgusting and phony ambitions. Your “reality” assessment regarding tolerance and attempts to “silence” you are beyond ridiculous. You’re the governor of a state. Who’s tried to silence you? Statements like that make you look like the clown act that you’ve come to embrace as what a real ‘Loosiana’ politician is all about.

What do you know of tolerance Governor? Do you and the rest of your ilk tolerate any views other than your own? No. You don’t. We’ve seen that for years now. Whenever you lose an election because of your extremist views, you can’t accept the fact that your ideas have been rejected by the public. Nope. You look for ways to impeach the sitting democratically elected President and simply toss out one lie after another about violating oaths, and the constitution and “wars on religious people” and other piles of crap that your species can feed off of . It’s called rabble- rousing and you’re experts at it. But what’s really amazing is that you could think that you’d be able to float this lie regarding tolerance of others. Tolerance isn’t, nor should it EVER be extended to the Intolerant. When you do, tolerance disappears and is replaced by intolerant morons like YOU willing to use that line to buy a few more votes from the lowest common denominator. You appeal to the ignoramus that is too stupid to tie his shoes, and spends every waking hour making love to his gun. We’ve seen it from Republicans over and over. And then you have the gall to whine over the fact that we refuse to put up with your bigotry and racism and hate. And you call the “left” intolerant, and think that this is going to stick? How stupid are you?

Most of us in America desire an open society and understand that an open society sets free the critical powers of man, that it is based upon an awareness of our own fallibility, and that it is impossible without a recognition that the ideas of others may be closer to the truth than our own. You can’t even begin to understand what I’m saying here can you? That’s because you’re an ideologue and can’t imagine that your man-made ideology is actually fallible as well. You can’t create an infallible idea from a fallible source. Didn’t you know that?

Democracy will not work well in societies that do not value freedom and tolerance. But democracy is not itself open society. And while it may be the form of government best able to protect an open society, we should always remember that it is the best of a bad lot, that it can be abused by authoritarians and manipulated by bureaucrats, and that open society is not a product of manipulation and abuse, but of a serious attempt to get at the truth, tempered by a serious belief in our own fallibility. You are hopelessly lacking in both those areas.

Tolerance is the patient forbearance of something that is disliked and, perhaps, even thought to be evil. It has been valued as an ethical ideal at least since the eighteenth century, when it was proposed, by enlightenment philosophers such as Locke and Voltaire, as an antidote to religious persecution.

We have, at least in the West, come a long way since Locke. But even today, most advocates of tolerance would agree that we should not tolerate everything. We should not, for example, tolerate injustice, or murder, or attempts to restrict our freedom. And we need not, everything else being equal, tolerate the intolerant. That means YOU and those like you. This last idea, that we need not tolerate the intolerant, is the solution to the so-called ‘paradox of tolerance’. There is a story about a tribe of Indians who were so impartial in their tolerance that they extended it even to a den of man-eating tigers that lived nearby. The tigers were very happy for this. But the Indians slowly disappeared—and their policy of indiscriminate tolerance along with them. The point of the story is that we might, if we are too tolerant, end up promoting intolerance and that’s exactly what you and your extremists desire. There are limits to the attitude of reasonableness’. You cannot have a rational discussion with a man who prefers shooting you to being convinced by you. It is the same with tolerance. You must not, without qualification, accept the principle of tolerating all those who are intolerant; if you do, you will destroy not only yourself, but also the attitude of tolerance.

This is because unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. As long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.

Right now Governor; YOU are inciting violence in this country against the government. ("I can sense right now a rebellion brewing amongst these United States," Jindal said, "where people are ready for a hostile takeover of Washington, D.C., to preserve the American Dream for our children and grandchildren”) You…a sitting governor of a state are fanning the flames of intolerance and hate and even insurrection among the lemmings that buy this crap with the expected appeal to the “patriotic “concerns over preserving the American Dream for our children and grandchildren. How thoughtful and touching of you. What a piece of work you are. I can see the flags unfurled and blowing in the wind. I can see the apple pie cooling in the window sill. I can see the selling of the American Dream that you and your kind have completely removed from any possibility of attaining. I can see right through the phony outrage targeting this particular president that just happens to be the first minority president in our history, and the efforts being made to discredit him, lest we ever make the mistake of electing another minority or person of color to the highest office in the land. And lastly, I can see that you are an embarrassment and a disgrace to your office. You aren’t a stupid man governor. Rick Perry is a stupid man. He doesn’t know any better. You do. So…what’s your excuse. When you became Governor did you really have to check your character at the door?
bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 10:18 pm
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 10:22 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Bobby Jindal: Moron of the day.

RACIST ALERT!!!!http://www.acidpulse.net/images/smilies/lolol.gif
Reply Tue 24 Jun, 2014 07:54 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Wow talk about no Moron of the day. That "article" was filled with no substance. It was nothing but insults mixed jibber jabber. It was basically a way for the "writer" to disparage Jindal. After the 2012 election people on the left like yourself loved Jindal when he said "We need to stop being the party of stupid." Now he's the moron of the day for speaking some truth.

I'm not a religious person myself, I'm not even a Christian but I do see a level of religious liberty at stake. When you can no longer voice a religious thought or endorse a political/religious idea and not loose your job? CEO of Firefox anyone? How many lawsuits have been filed across this country to remove Crosses and other such items from public view? There are numerous stories of students doing graduation speeches and being told not to mention God or religion even though those could be the very things the student credit with their success.

To dismiss outright that there is a level of attack being taken against religion in this country is dishonest. I'm not surprised that you would share this Bob. It fits in with your true political nature, not your espoused political nature. It's funny you are guilty of the very things you rally against Republicans for doing. Pot meet kettle.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 24 Jun, 2014 08:10 am

Thanks for announcing yourself. But really its not necessary, your stench is warning enough. I do appreciate your sudden self awareness. Admitting your problem is the first step.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 24 Jun, 2014 08:14 am
That's about as accurate as your "Taliban" statements.

Jindal has proven his mean spiritedness over and over and this is only the latest. Yeah he recognized the problem and then continued on in the same way. Hes a leading contender for moron of the day each day everyday all day long.
Reply Tue 24 Jun, 2014 08:18 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Thanks for announcing yourself.

I was talking about you. Jindal is a man of color, and you seem to have a problem with that. Shame on you Boob.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 24 Jun, 2014 08:20 am
Funny how you circled in on Jindal's color. Racist, much?

He's about as white a white man I know.
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