These are great definitions, I'll go for 5
Littlek...#12...? Are you crazy? That sounds like something Diane would post.
As for me, it seems Zyzzy has grouped 1-3 around the theme of religion and some at the end around space and science, and I don't know which way to lean. I'm going to have to mull this over for a few hours.
Balderdash Naevus
Taffy La blanc thinks #13 just right so that what she chooses.
firstthought likests simple answers so #5 it is
<fret fret, stew...>
I don't think it's novalic (?). Maybe #5....? Can I change my guess?
I'm tempted by 11 or 15 but I also am going to have with 5.
I'm pretty certain this is a wrong choice...
I'm going to have to close my eyes and pick. These are all good. .... I guess I'm going to be fooled by #3 this time.
#8, please.
PS I'd like to be the next dasher.
I'm choosing #1
Thanks, Jes for being next dasher
a congenital ?????????? Rock and Roll band??????????
is that like a Rock and Roll band with a birth defect?
I'm going to choose #8.
Can I answer, too? I just found this thread.
I'll vote for #11.
Yes, you can jump in anytime. Welcome to the game, Visitor!
The last two rounds I saw a bunch of people goin' for one and thought I'd buck the trend even though I liked that one and I was wrong wrong wrong.
So. I like #5 too.
Hi Visitor.... Welcome to the Balderdash game!!
Boy, if #5 is a bluff, somebody's doing very well this round! (Maybe it is me, heh heh...or maybe it isn't and I'm just saying that to mislead...or maybe it really is, but I'm only saying it because you wouldn't think I'd really reveal my bluff )
Hmmm, both #! and #15 sound good. I'll go with #15 because it sounds absolutely beautiful.
Felix Noir chooses #13--wonderfully descriptive of something cats do so well.
Hey, realjohnboy--whaddaya mean, something I'd write? Beef extract? Maybe Felix. The only baron I'm familiar with is the Red Baron.