1. n. Any of a genus of fawn-colored African antelopes with curving,
ridged horns. submitted by Eva (formerly known as visitor) - guessed by George, wcbethmd
2 points to Eva
2. A command given to camels meaning "to kneel" submitted Jameson
3. A walking stick. submitted by Peace and Love - guessed by Swimpy
1 point to Peace and Love
4. The inability to pronounce the letter r submitted by jespah, guessed by Equus
1 point to Jespah
-5. A drink with coconut milk and mashed bananas, mixed with rum. submitted by littlek
6. Nose. Originally U.S. From 1859. the real definition
guessed by Justthefax, Clary
2 points to Justthefax
2 points to Clary
7. A rare breed of Eskimo sleigh pulling doggie submitted by hiama - guessed by Felix
1 point to Felix
8. A word game that was invented by cloistered monks of the New Melleray Abbey that can be played with out speaking submitted by Swimpy - guessed by littlek
1 point to Swimpy
9. Felix's favorite stuffed toy : Felix Noir's bluff - Stardust the cat
1 point to Felix
10. A condition of American Red Necks, Body Odor is a knock out. submitted by -Justthefax
11. The native dish of Congo submitted by Diane: guessed by DevriesJ, jameson,Bib
3 points to Diane
12. Japanese tree with red and yellow leaves, cultivated for bonsai submitted by Clary
13. A relative of the hemp family grown primarily in Malaysia submitted by panzade
14. Children's skipping game. my bluff - guessed by Peace and Love
1 point to ehBeth
15. Local dialect spoken in Nigeria submitted by bib - guessed by Jespah, hiama
2 points to Bib
16. Very much Very much -submitted by george
17. West African hourglass-shaped drum West African hourglass-shaped drum -submitted by Equus - guessed by Diane, panzade, realjohnboy
3 points to Equus
18. Garbage submitted by Lola
19. Leather strap used in steer-wrestling rodeo event. submitted by realjohnboy