Diane Ask Felix when I changed my sex? Whoooooof.
I now have received a total of Three Bluffs What happen to the rest of them?

and foot stamping
Ratline: waiting queue at the rathaus
You should have a bluff from me.
I lost track of the breadcrumbs while I was out of town. Dragging this up to look at later today.
I have received only Three Bluffs On RATLINE
Bluffs Received from:
If everyone is awaiting for legal clarification from Lawyers or Courts it could take years.
If the present alternative method for this game is not viable to members put forward your ideas
Taffy, didn't you recieve bluffs from me or Felix?
Maybe few players are checking this thread thinking that the game is on hold until the pm function is back in place.
just sent a note to Taffy.
New Balderdash game--
Because all posts made after Sept. 25th were deleted during the server change, I will post the new word again.
Starting today, Monday, Sept. 27, the new word is:
Send your bluffs to:
[email protected].
Hey balderdashers--I need more bluffs. Thanks to justthefax and George for sending in their bluffs.
Dys and I are driving to Denver tomorrow and won't return until Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. If all the bluffs are in when I get back, I'll get them posted on Thursday.
Remember, the word is:
Until PM's are working again, bluffs should be sent to:
[email protected]
arenaceous - bodacious arena babe :wink:
mulling mulling mulling
and it ain't wine
LOL Bethie--see ya next week.
Bluff sent. I mean, absolutely, wonderfully correct answer.
jespah fishing for 3points in advance
well, go figure. I can't send a PM and it seems I can't send an email either - &^%$ing hotmail.
ok,ok, I finally sent one.....
Wonderful, I returned last night and found new bluffs.
This is the list, so far:
The lack of PMing seems to have decimated our little group. If I don't recieve anymore by tomorrow, I'll post what I have and we can continue with the game in our small, economy sized group.
Well, as they say, small is beautiful. :-D
OK, small and beautiful it is--here are the devious bluffs by the small and beautiful but deceptive group of balderdashers :
1. Having the appearance or consistency of sand.
2. Inclined to direct or control in a detailed, often meddlesome manner.
3. Sand castles built in a fearful manner.-
4. A place where felines can go and have a good Scratch: Oh! that was good.
5. Made up of fundamental sub-atomic particles of the Lepton class.
6. The state of being expandable in high winds, flexible.
7. blood red
8. If Jessica Simpson was a spider, she'd be arenaceous.
9. ARENACEOUS - of or relating to malfunctunes of the kidneys.
10. An arena for lustful Tomcats to fight for the femme feline of the moment.
11. The state of liquidity of previously frozen fossilized amoeba, for study under laboratory conditions.
Well, I pretty much have to vote for number 11 even though that couldn't possibly be the correct answer.
I forgot what my bluff was and it is no longer in my out box, number 3 or number 1, which one. Yes I remember #1 is my bluff. #3 seems good too.