so scores as of DELOPE should be
firstthought: 7
Drom: 6
George: 3 + 3 = 6
dev: 5
justthefax 2 + 3 = 5
Equus: 4
Clary: 3
hiama: 3
rjb: 2
Onyx-: 2
PaL: 2
naj 2
jespah: 1
diane: 1
felix 1
taffy 1
littlek 0
scarlettmarsden 0
Distaff: the opposite of datstaff
I have received several responces about distaff, and two that give similar defintions. While the definitions that they gave were true, the one that I had first found and was going to use has not been submitted.
The definition that I have has nothing to do with anything living. human, animal or plant.
So if the ones who submitted there ideas want to resubmit we can still have a game, other wise I will post more after the rules keeper will tell me what they think we should do.
well then, what does our panel of experts think?
Hmm. First of all, I'm astounded that Balderdash has suddenly gotten up to 30,000 visits!
I may (or may not) be one of the two people who gave JTF a correct definition of DISTAFF. It wasn't the one that she/he was thinking of (it apparently is a word that has several meanings). But two people got it "true" so, IMHO, the round is over.
New round, new word. Any comments?
I agree. I think we need a new word.
distaff n. 1. the rod on which wool, flax etc. is wound preparatory to spinning. 2. Figurative, women's work. distaff side n. the female side of a branch or family
Equus submitted doesn't "distaff" refer to the concerns of a wife or a woman in general?
jespah submitted: I know what it means; it means female. The distaff races at a horse racing track are for fillies (sometimes also for mares).
realjohnboy: distaff may be too easy a word. It appears all over British lit as "some sort of women's work." I suspect you will get a slew of correct entries.
Clary: a sort of spindle thing on which wool is ?spun/wound - sorry, I'm not very technically minded! But it's a wooden widget for spinning or weaving.
jespah: distaff is also (in addition to being a reference to femaleness) a spinning wheel.
Looks like each person gets 3 points.
Good afternoon. Under the rules as I remember them the first two folks who pm'ed you with a correct definition each get 3 points and the round ends. Later correct answers get squat.
Don't feel badly about having a round blow up in your face. It has happened to all of us who have taken the time to Dash. I chose a perfectly fine word one time that fooled a bunch of people in the US and Europe, only to discover that the same word was a tree in Australia! Please try again, justthefax. -johnboy-
Let's go for strike three. Let's try
If you spanghew, you better spang me too!!
Does sound rather kinky, doesn't it? Hmmmm?
SPANGHEW bluffs rec'd so far from
Felix Noir
hmmmm...... great word.....
Spring hues....
Sprang hues....
The colors of our lives.....
SPANGHEW bluffs rec'd so far from
Felix Noir
Peace & Love
Little K
Points and squats
rjb does this mean in the scoring of this game we now can have points and squats?
ft lol
balderdash is certainly evolving into something else.
48 hour notice on bluffs for SPANGHEW. Cross your fingers- we may not strike out with this word.
I have also received bluffs now from
Jespah and I were the first 2 to submit acceptible defs for the previous word, "distaff", so we both get 3 points:
Scores as of distaff:
firstthought: 7
Equus: 4 + 3 = 7
Drom: 6
George: 6
dev: 5
justthefax 5
jespah: 1 + 3 = 4
Clary: 3
hiama: 3
rjb: 2
Onyx-: 2
PaL: 2
naj 2
diane: 1
felix 1
taffy 1
littlek 0
scarlettmarsden 0