ehBeth 19
devriesj 18
firstthought 9
Clary 8
Equus 8
George 7
drom 6
realjohnboy 5
Taffy La Blanc 5
Diane 4
Peace & Love 4
mac11 4
jespah 4
Individual 3
littlek 3
cavfancier 3
Ceili 2
fealola 2
hiama 2
onyxelle 2
margo 2
Jose Cuervo 1
Felix Noir 0
Thanking the stars for cut and paste.
Did anyone get dropped in the process?
Bethie, do I really have 4 whole points??? Am I really ahead of Felix Noir??? YAY!!!
Just one more point, Diane, and you'll be tied with Taffy!
Hi, yall...margo's pm came in after I'd gone to bed (none of this being hunched over the computer at 3 am for johnboy. At 10 pm I start to fade; 11 pm is decadently late. But I'm up at 5 am. "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." One out of three for me at this point!
It will take me awhile to decipher my notes but the definitions will be posted shortly. I think I'll be able to offer seventeen choices. -rjb-
Early to bed
and early to rise
and your girl goes out
with other guys
Time for pickers to vote, preferably quicker rather than slowly. Here's a kicker: I've arranged the bluffs-including the correct answer-by the number of words...from leaner to thicker. Could anything be sicker?
And, oh yes, re the scores, I think I'm right but we'll bicker about that later.
1) An undesirable element
2) A butterfly breeder
3) A schoolboy with cooties
4) A single ear of corn
5) A cane fishing boat; creel
6) A cluster of fertilized frog eggs
7) Soft pliable adhesive that can be reused
8) Something a Scottish kitten makes a plaything
9) A dead mouse way too ripe to eat
10) Common name for a South African spider:
Araneida Transcantia
11) A hastily assembled, inelegant fix of a software
12) The internal movement in one of those clicker
13) A poorly shaped eclair, from which the custard
has escaped
14) A bit part in Shakespeare's "problem plays,"
brought in for comic relief
15) In factories where fish fillets are processed,
the worker responsible for removing viscera
16) Idiom historically used in British public schools
during hazing, meaning a person rolled in
17) A plastic insert used to fill in the wide central
hole of a 45-rpm record so that it may be
played on a thin spidle intended for a 33 1/3
I think I've gotten this all right.
One player got the right definition so that person can not vote. Everyone else should publicly cast his/her ballot.
Whew! some of yall are foreigners (at least to me) and some of yall are city slickers but one last play on words from johnboy in the mountains of Virginia:
I need some "licker," which is liquor to everyone else. -johnboy-
<snicker> I'm taking number six, though most of 'em look appealing. :-D
I'm going with #7. I've often wondered what that stuff was called.
Please don't bicker or snicker, cuz licker is a quicker picker-upper. (thud)
I, like, totally, adore # 9, but ... Give me a minute, Mr. Fricker.
o.k., i'm very scared. i'm going to have to pick #9. not so much because i think it's right, but because it makes me enormously giddy.
Votes are a little slow in coming in. Can we get a few more before the long American holiday? Thanks!
I love #14! - Is that drom-'s?...& #13 - I'll take that icker right there... But #4 is calling my name...something about johnboy being a Virginia mountain boy...hmmm. So #4 it is.
I'm gonna go git lickered up now!
I choose # 9 There is nothing like a moose about the hoose dead or otherwise.
I remember hearing 'icker' in a poem once... Burns, I think, but I can't remember for the life of me what it meant. I don't think that icker can be anything disgusting; so I'll go for 5.
I love butterflies......
I choose #2.
Good afternoon...thanks for the votes overnight. All we need to do is hear from diane and felix, littlek and tam (wake him up, clary; it's after noon).