1. Any of the subdivisions of the Avesta, the holy scripture of the Zoroastrians. on offer from Equus - selected by Clary
(+1 for Equus)
2. A Jewish cheese. margo fermented this bluff.
3. A brief loincloth worn by men of the Lango tribe of the upper Nile. Clary put this one into play - desired by Peace and Love
(+1 for Clary)
4. Beautiful girl. devriesj thought this might catch an eye or two - appreciated by cavfancier, drom et reve, and first thought
(+3 for devriesj)
5. A mysterious snow creature of humanoid stature and Jewish persuasion. Littlek's offering - chased by Taffy
(+1 for littlek)
6. A lengthy blessing rite that takes place in a Zoroastrian church. offered to us by drom et reve
7. A light-weight, coarsely-woven braid, mostly woven by machinery. the real definition - sussed out by mac11, onyxelle and devriesj
(+ 2 for mac11, onyxelle and devriesj)
8. Exclamation of annoyance (yiddish). Derived from "You there!" my bluff
9. Yoda's dumber cousin, who never mastered the force. cavfancier's bluff
10. A sash worn to indicate a warrior's position in the rank. Peace and Love prepared this noble bluff - Jespah and littlek were intrigued by this one.
(+2 for Peace and Love)
11. The Name of one of Cloepatra's cats. Taffy La Blanc thought we might go for this bit of fluff :wink:
12. Moorish architectural style marked by ornate geometric designs, arches, and tiles. George had a stylish offering - fancied by Equus
(+1 for George)
13. Yogi Bear's little sister. firstthought had a specific beautiful girl for us to think about.
14. Jedi equivalent of "Gilligan." Young Yedda often accidentally bungle things up, and serve as unwitting comic relief at Jedi Parties. scoates offered us this bluff.
15. A tropical plant. mac11 groomed this one - appreciated by George and hiama
(+2 for mac11)
16. A Japanese tea garden plant with delicate white and purple flowers. Jespah's very elegant creation - margo took a liking to this one.
(+1 for jespah)
(now i zoom back to the beginning of the thread to figure out some more of the scoring - and phooey - if i'd got any points this round they woulda been doubled, cuz i had 13

The next post will include the source for the definition, and then I'll crunch some more numbers.
edited for easier reading