Quote:Yet talk is about all he can do at this moment in time.
How about should do....
About Crimea nothing, it should belong to Russia and there is no way to keep Russia from having it so fighting over it would be pointless.
So far as other regions currently considered Ukraine lets see if Russia has designs on them, I doubt it. Russia has to have Crimea back for its navy, the russians in the rest of Ukraine can be accommodated with immigration.
I was reading that we owe it to Kiev to join them in their fight because they gave up their soviet nukes and we promised to support the geographic integrity of Ukraine. My response is that we brake promises all the time, and that this one should be broken.
Unlike Obama the EU leaders seem to have figured out that fitting Russia for the Rouge state uniform is a pointless exercise because the emerging boss China is not going to go along with that plan. The last thing we should want to be doing at this point is further cementing the new China-Russia friendship. If Russia were to decide to help China would be the preeminent global military power in 20 years, I dont think we a ready to be militarily irrelevant that quickly.