Fri 10 Jan, 2014 06:25 am
God forbid cooperate with that racist scum protesting in Kiev. I'm interested in Ukrainian culture and history and even learned Ukrainian a little. So when this great nationalist fraud began I went there as a correspondent of German News Agency. You know folks that is anti-Semite festival. There is thinly painted out slogan that runs No Power of Hebes on the nearest wall. I saw a woman appealing "no yield to Hevbes and defend all white people' right from tribune. I saw some young people singing an old song of WWII times 'Death to Hebe and Moscow commune'. I saw a New Year puppet show with a puppet of Jew gathered all most nasty stigma about this nation. Members of the Freedom association appeal to eliminate multinational society and 'non-Ukrainian' government. And that is the keynote of all Maidanportests.
This Ukrainian vicious Neo-Nazi scum calls to join Europe as their supporters and sponsors. What a shame for EU being implicated in this anti-Semite outrage. Off with those Freedom followers. BTW their Tyagnibokwas awarded with the Golden Cross by veterans of SS division of Galichina who eliminated thousands of Poles and Jews and kept Fascist death camps during WWII.
Europe has to point out that we have nothing in common with those Neo-Nazi Ukrainian loonies. Otherwise we will never whitewash.