Every human being and, further, groups and countries peopled with them use all manner of tactics to influence events and people that affect them. I'm sure we (and all countries, special interest groups, etc) have lobbyists and advisors all over the place doing the same thing. What the people in the video said was mild compared to some of the lovely deadly plans being hatched worldwide at any given moment.
You and I use a myriad of strategies to bend others to our will. So do our countries, and our school systems, and our bosses, and our children on their playgrounds.
What happened in the Ukraine wasn't a result of our meddling. Our meddling was an attempt to help the cause of democracy in the region - not because we're saints, but because that is the best situation to avoid the **** that has just unfolded. Russia's meddling is leading to civil war - and maybe worse.
(BTW, I wouldn't take that video for proof of anything unless I had access to sensitive voice-analysis technology. I don't give it credence now, though future information may convince me. Just playing along with your assertion - which I addressed above.)