Jarlaxe -- The concept seemed to be a complete surprise for the administration. Maybe we should make sure they read their Clancy and study the X-Files?
Joe -- I KNEW that!
If you think back to all the things people have worshiped, nothing here should surprise you.
The video of Alex Jones and his british television crew (they commissioned the effort) getting inside the Bohemian Grove (the first to do so) to film the globalist's pagan antics is widely available for free on cable locale access channels around the country or for purchase.
These are sick people, folks. Yet, these are the people running the entire world. Many are herediatary pawns who have been handed their wealth and power by birth right (Prince Charles and the Bush boys) while others are newer members of the club (Henry Kissinger and the CEOs of Bechtel, B of A, and the Carlyle Group.)
Ultimately, it doesn't much matter if you believe the video or not. It doesn't change the fact the Bohemian Grove exisits and is real.
I'm just not sure why its so shocking to everyone... I mean, the people running the government, any government, are just like us... they are just people. Think about the kind of person who would seek out a job like the Presidency... that is someone who wants power, and is willing to do a LOT to get that power. It takes many years of preparation and I would imagine it would have to be a big part of a person's personality to be desiring that kind of position.
I just don't think its that far of a stretch for them to be involved with the occult.
Isn't the Skull and Crossbones the secret Yale society?
It is Skull and Bones Ceili and it like Bohemian Grove it is little more than adolescent foolishness. What is most interesting about these societies is not the supposed paganism but the idea that men of a certain social and economic class feel that they never have to grow up. That explains more than any supposed adherence to pagan ritual.
"the idea that men of a certain social and economic class feel that they never have to grow up."
Yeah, that's it. I don't think they really BELIEVE this owl-worshipping crap, they're just being juvenile and having fun.
In a sinister way, of course.
Oh come on guys. Both John Kerry and George W. Bush were members of Skull and Bones, but there's nothing sinister about it.
Didn't you guys ever have a makeshift club house and a secret handshake when you were kids? College fraternities, sororities, societies, and post college Order of Oddfellows, Elks, Moose, etc. are just continuations of those kinds of communities.
But the Bohemian Grove? Worship of a very large owl? ::::cough::::::
Gee, what a surprise to see you here, foxfyre!
Yes, it sounds as ridiculous as it is!
Well you guys hate the idea that George Bush prays to God. How do you feel about the owl?
Who hates the idea that George Bush prays to God?
The first one to give me pause was Reagan.
His wife's astrologer was consulted on a regular basis.
L.R.R. Hood -- From your first post I meant to ask if you have read Morning of the Magicians? It is an interesting book... little vignettes & stories about the Third Reich and other oddities.
As for me responding to the questions about "praying" -- to God... I think it is a good idea; to a 40 foot man-made owl... I am offended by it.
Imho Pagans, should revere natural objects -- the universe, the earth, the sun, the moon, certain trees, mountains, etc.
The owl clearly has more humour value than a vengeful god. Mind you, a 40 ft. ape or praying mantis would be funnier.
hahaha! Indeed they would!
The owl's kind of creepy though.
Foxfyre wrote:Well you guys hate the idea that George Bush prays to God. How do you feel about the owl?
It's not "the owl," it's "The OWL." If you don't capitalize Its Name, It will wreak a great havoc upon the land.
Oh gosh, now I have to lie awake all night awaiting retribution from OWLS!
This sounds like a National Lampoon movie. Chevy Chase would play the President. There would be a scene where he and a bunch of old men strip off all their clothes and go romping across a meadow. Chevy Chase would trip and fall on his face, and when he looked up there would be a gigantic carved OWL hanging above him. Then night would fall, and all the old men would dance naked around a campfire, with a drum beat provided by Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein (the real one, not the android copy that's in custody). An ancient Adolf Hitler would preside over the ceremony, with a reincarnated Benito Mussolini dressed in a court jester's costume to provide comic relief.
The possibilities are endless!