Sat 24 Apr, 2004 09:12 am
I've been reading alot about the history of the Nazi party and their involvement in the occult, and I remembered hearing here and there that modern day politicians are involved in similar occult/magic groups.
Anyone else read about these things? Any thoughts?
I've heard a lot about these theories on 'conspiracy radio', especially involving the Ilumminati. I'm not quite sure how to take it, except perhaps with a grain of salt.
Yes and no.
In the USA, you have an independent film maker named Alec Jones who infiltrated the secretive Bohemian Grove in northern California and filmed his experience there. The Bohemian Grove is a sort of resort for members of the global elite to meet and greet one another. It's quite old, dating back to the late 1890's.
Mr. Jones' film was widely shown on British TV and became something of a sensation here.
World leaders, US presidents, senators, heads of corporations, and secret society members regularly attend "the Grove" and engage in symbolic Pagan worship of Molech the owl. Boatmen in black-hooded garb journey across a lake to the owl god, Molech with the human effigy and perform a sacrificial ritual.
As strange and bizarre as this may sound, the antics at the Bohemian Grove have now been documented and are no longer secret.
According to Mr. Jones, all of the Bush men have attended, including the current occupant of the White House.
greenumbrella wrote:Yes and no.
In the USA, you have an independent film maker named Alec Jones who infiltrated the secretive Bohemian Grove in northern California and filmed his experience there. The Bohemian Grove is a sort of resort for members of the global elite to meet and greet one another. It's quite old, dating back to the late 1890's.
Mr. Jones' film was widely shown on British TV and became something of a sensation here.
World leaders, US presidents, senators, heads of corporations, and secret society members regularly attend "the Grove" and engage in symbolic Pagan worship of Molech the owl. Boatmen in black-hooded garb journey across a lake to the owl god, Molech with the human effigy and perform a sacrificial ritual.
As strange and bizarre as this may sound, the antics at the Bohemian Grove have now been documented and are no longer secret.
According to Mr. Jones, all of the Bush men have attended, including the current occupant of the White House.
to worship the Pagan deity named Moolak
I need to see some links to that.........I was eating souvlaki with Moolak the other night in the open pit I keep in the backyard and he specifically said that gwb is way too scary for him to hang around with and he feels more comfortable in the company of Beezlebub and Thrakis the thorn cocked incubus.
I find that hard to believe!
Mmm....souvlaki....just by coincidence (or was it???) Moolak brought over some shwarma and retsina last night, and we chatted for a while. However, I cannot reveal what we talked about, because I would be killed.
Book at Amazon This is the book I'm reading about the Nazi involvement with the occult. The author has a HUGE bibliography with extensive notes. I'm not sure what one could find on current political involvement with the occult, but Hitler's dead so there's a lot available about things that went on in his time.
I thought it was rediculous at first, too, but I'm thinking there is some truth to it the more I read.
better killed than suffer the tender ministrations of the thorn cocked incubus my friend.......who by the way, also ejaculates molten brass or so Mrs. Moolak claims...... of course you have to take a lot of what she says with a grain of salt.....two glasses of bulls blood and she's tanked.......
Oh sure suzy. Don't you have local access channels on your cable? I've seen the video greenumbrella is referring to a couple of times. It's really scary and absolutely real. In fact, after the video went mainstream, the Bohemian Grove was forced to admit they practice occult.
But I think the filmmaker is named Alex Jones, not Alec Jones. He's one brave guy.
Doesn't Alex Jones have a website? Some of the things on that site seem rediculous, but you have to admit, its possible.
I'm with Suzy....
Well, I looked him up on Google and found this...
Check it out... the video clip is surprising.
What's so hard to believe? Secret societies have been a part of elite culture for generations. The men who attend them aren't like you and me, just like Bush isn't like you and me.
That "aw shucks yall" act may fool the NASCAR crowd, but it's an act.
Secret societies, yeah.
But worshipping an owl?
Too bizarre! Just plain stupid, IMO.
But I'll check out the links. Thanks!
Pagans worshipped a bunch of strange stuff, but they believed it. The owl they called Molach was considered very powerful. I guess it is like the Aztecs worshipping eagles as a symbol of power.
Did anyone actually see that film clip? I cannot believe there was a one-time pilot TV show in May 2001 where someone was going to crash a 727 into the WTC.
A 40 Foot OWl? Yeah, that is very creepy, too... and I call myself a Pagan! <grin>
Quote:I cannot believe there was a one-time pilot TV show in May 2001 where someone was going to crash a 727 into the WTC.
The concept isn't new. Clancy had something similar (a 747 into the Capitol, I think in "Clear and Present Danger"), as did Dale Brown (various hijacked planes in
"Storming Heaven").
Dogs flew spaceships!
The Aztecs invented the vacation!
Men and women are the same sex!
Your brain is not the boss!
That's right: