By all means
Quote:I have a few of the original "Type section" howlites from Nova Scotia……..
Mine are from a deposit near LA
Quote:The howlites I have look more like big cauliflower heads
Yes I have a couple such, very luckily because they were getting scarce when I was collecting decades ago
Quote:and I used to give my students in mining geology, samples
I have held a few "rock classes" though probably rank amateur by comp
Quote:I still hve several " superior' samples in my collection. SO I don't need any of that.
I presume you might mean my maps and certainly you don't though I thought you might find 'em interesting in a historical perspective
Quote:……...Youd sweat your ass of and would only worry when you stopped sweating
We've collected a whole lot in the desert summer months also
Of course this is all OT, having little to do with droughts but why don't we open a collecting thread
Maybe you have another fitting topic