Yes cav, I am interested in hearing your philosophical take on timetravel. I am somewhat familiar with the works of einstein. But I strongly believe that time stands still, and that it is evolution that moves through it. So it's kind of hard to go somewhere you never left...
Greyfan, the river and the pond model aren't in oposition to eachother as I see it. In my understanding the pond contains the river. There are currents in the pond, it is never still, yet it never goes anywhere. All change is within it. Yet we are not persons in the water, or boats on it. We are the drops that together make the total body of water...
I do not think it is as black and white as eastern and western thinking styles. But you have a good point. There is a saying that goes: "If you try to control everything you will fail. It is only when you surrender you can begin to have some control of your life..." But how does that fit the debate? Since we do not know the destination we cannot say wether it is right to drift or to paddle, as you put it. So maybe your boat did sink. And maybe you are better off for it...