Porn - degrading to women? or"the all you can eat salad bar"

Craven de Kere
Mon 10 May, 2004 02:59 pm
I didn't answer some of these:

Piffka wrote:
What happens if you later find out that one wasn't made with willing actors?

I've seen a few of these (as a young child for circumstantial reasons) that I considered to be physcological coercion.

It made me very angry, heck my mom was in one (that I thankfully did not see and didn't find out about till I was 9) but this is not inherent to pornography. The problem is the coercion.

So when the Iraqis get paid off, as they undoubtedly will, then they shouldn't care about their treatment?

Sigh, this is silly. Compensation of a forced act after-the-fact does not equate to willingly accepting compensation for a consensual act.

It is based on my preferences for entertainment. It is a simple simple enough concept -- I am not entertained by watching someone else having sex.

I know, and this is why I say you project your taste onto others as a moral issue.

There's a whole lot of porn that I find disgusting, but that it's off putting to me is not something I think equates into a moral position to project onto others.

And to say that others should be as opposed to pornography (which runs the gamut from art to depravity) as they are to murder rape and torture really cheapens the line between consent and force.

I'd consider a snuff film to be worse than what has come out from Iraq (though I hear that there may actually be something very close to a snuff film coming out of Iraq soon) but the objection I have is not pornography.

For many years I wanted to kill the people behind the phycologically coerced porn that the females I grew up with were coerced into and I fully recognize that sexual depravity can lead to great harm.

But that doesn't justify equating pornography to torture, and your personal distaste for porn is making you, IMO, project a lot of worst-case-scenarios as the norm and in some cases (e.g. the snuff film fantasy) you are simply projecting fantasy onto reality.
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Craven de Kere
Mon 10 May, 2004 03:05 pm
Piffka wrote:
I assumed that you must enjoy these films. You don't? <shrug> Oh good, then we agree on something.

Here's another one I didn't really answer (because it was the frutition of an ad hominem attempt).

I enjoy some pornography. I'm not sure what you mean by " these films" (e.g. non-existent fantasies of yours like ' snuff films' ?) but I do enjoy, on some level, sexual imagery.

I'm more of a nudes fan than an actual action fan but I see nothing shameful about owning up to a natural impulse to enjoy sexual imagery on some level.

I think both are a symptom of a sick society.

Personally, I think it's sick to have such irrantional hangups and try to label what is, by and large, a natural manifestation of sexuality as a sickness and to try to equate what is personally off-putting to what kills others.

Incidentally, there's an irony in this. You once posted a picture of a nude minor on this site, I think she was twelve or thereabouts. I happen to think that regardless of attempts to justify it as "art" that informed consent is important enough that blurring consensual lines with minors is "sick".
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Mon 10 May, 2004 03:29 pm
Ah yes, the Blind Faith album cover was totally shocking. What an incident to bring up, Craven. I am so ashamed. don't know what I was thinking of and I am so sorry to have exposed you and the rest of this forum to such filth.

It was just my sicko attitude and guilty pleasure to post exactly the same picture of the Blind Faith album that had been so popular when I was young. Of course, it is being sold on Amazon again, but, you're right... it was child porn, for sure, and really sick art.
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Craven de Kere
Mon 10 May, 2004 03:34 pm

I don't think you are taking that example as I meant for it (based on your sarcasm).

It was merely an expression of irony that we are on opposite ends of sexual imagery and taste on two different issues. On one you are the sexual liberal and I the puritanical and the other has the roles reversed.

I didn't pull that kind of sarcasm with you Piffka. And that should probably mark the end of this exchage.
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Mon 10 May, 2004 03:42 pm
squinney wrote:
I'm going to attempt to answer without reading the articles cited and then read to see if my opinion changes.

First, yes, I find pornography degrading to both men and women. I don't think it is possible to view pornography, especially graphic weird stuff, and not have it degrade ones self in some way, not just the degrading of others. Just that those pictures are in your memory taking up valuable space is degrading to my mind. In other words, I have better things to store in my memory

I can't imagine the porn stars having high self esteem, or otherwise feeling good about themselves at the end of the day. They may have money, but where is their dignity? At what cost?

Once viewed, it does seem to me that it would have an effect on interactions with others. It may not mean that rapes increase, or that everyone suddenly buys clown outfits and leather whips. But at some point I would think that it would become a stimulant replacement that takes away from the loving act that sex is supposed to be between two people. Kinda like the old punchline "Eat, eat, eat. Doesn't anyone want to f any more?" When it takes more and more "weird stuff' to stimulate one sexually, what happens to "making love?" (Okay, maybe I'm a hopeless romantic!)

I referred to someone the other day as a "gal" and littlest cub (male) said "Mom, you said Gal. Isn't that a little disrespectful?" Now, you know Bear didn't teach him that, and I never would have thought to since I don't usually talk that way, but he must have been taught it somewhere. If a 13 year old knows that referring to an older female as a Gal is disrespectful, imagine if he knew about graphic pornography. At what point does the downhill slide to immoral, anything goes start and end? At what point do we draw the line as to how we show (and teach) respect for other human beings?

I'll go read the articles now, but my stance at this time is that yes, it is degrading and that it does have a negative affect on society. We may have discovery channel, but that doesn't mean we have to act and treat others like animals. Even assuming the "stars" of such films choose to participate, it is the market place that decides it is an acceptable behavior / profession, and in my opinion it shouldn't be.

had to bring up the clown suit didn't you?
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Mon 10 May, 2004 03:46 pm
Oh my - the thread woke up, didn't it?

Back to comment after work.
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Craven de Kere
Mon 10 May, 2004 03:58 pm
joefromchicago wrote:
Piffka wrote:
But who is to say how many porn "artists" don't feel forced or coerced?

The porn artists themselves.

I agree with you very much. Projecting one's own feelings about degradation on others isn't something I condone.

But I also want to bring up what's called "Linda Syndrome", where they, due to the shame from society, simply lie to distance themselves from a career they'd enthusiastically embraced.

"Linda Lovelace" in trying to disavow her career started to claim she had had a gun to her head the whole time. It was a load of bull and gave birth to a lot of the arguments about 'unwitting' physical coercion.
0 Replies
Mon 10 May, 2004 05:36 pm
Moved to a restricted area. Very Happy

Bob Woodard is on Jeopardy tonight. Deep throat? Nah, it wasn't a composite, it was Linda Lovelace.

Whoever she was, she almost brought down one presidency, and succeeded in another.

If ever you want to read psychological child abuse, Craven. Read The Whipping Boy.

God, what is wrong with everybody here.

My daddy was a cop on the east side of Chicago
Back in the U.S.A. back in the bad old days

In the heat of a summer night
In the land of the dollar bill
When the town of Chicago died
And they talk about it still
When a man named Al Capone
Tried to make that town his own
And he called his gang to war
With the forces of the law

I heard my mama cry
I heard her pray the night Chicago died
Brother what a night it really was
Brother what a fight it really was
Glory be!
I heard my mama cry
I heard her pray the night Chicago died
Brother what a night the people saw
Brother what a fight the people saw
Yes indeed!

And the sound of the battle rang
Through the streets of the old east side
'Til the last of the hoodlum gang
Had surrendered up or died
There was shouting in the street
And the sound of running feet
And I asked someone who said
"'Bout a hundred cops are dead!"

I heard my mama cry
I heard her pray the night Chicago died
Brother what a night it really was
Brother what a fight it really was
Glory be!
I heard my mama cry
I heard her pray the night Chicago died
Brother what a night the people saw
Brother what a fight the people saw
Yes indeed!

And ther was no sound at all
But the clock upon the wall
Then the door burst open wide
And my daddy stepped inside
And he kissed my mama's face
And he brushed her tears away

The night Chicago died
Na-na na, na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na
The night Chicago died
Brother what a night the people saw
Brother what a fight the people saw
Yes indeed!

The night Chicago died
Na-na na, na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na
The night Chicago died
Brother what a night it really was
Brother what a fight it really was
Glory be!

The night Chicago died
Na-na na, na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na
The night Chicago died
Brother what a night the people saw
Brother what a fight the people saw
Yes indeed!

Goodnight, from Flo
0 Replies
Mon 10 May, 2004 06:08 pm
Letty wrote:
My daddy was a cop on the east side of Chicago
Back in the U.S.A. back in the bad old days

There is no east side of Chicago.
0 Replies
Mon 10 May, 2004 06:12 pm
Piffka wrote:
My attitude does not come from any moral absolute, nor is it based on what you refer to as extremist feminism. It is based on my preferences for entertainment. It is a simple simple enough concept -- I am not entertained by watching someone else having sex.

Whereas others find it very entertaining indeed. Are you willing, then, to dictate what they may view, based upon nothing more than your own personal preference?
0 Replies
Mon 10 May, 2004 10:50 pm
I am late to this topic, started to formulate some sentence re craven's and piff's povs and kept reading and just gave up as I surely have something to say sometime re the wave of posts but need to consider..., gurgle.
0 Replies
David Henry
Mon 10 May, 2004 11:55 pm
Perhaps that's because, while we both agree that there are moral absolutes, we disagree on what constitutes those absolutes.


Fine but I'm saying that just as you wouldn't do A2M for certain reasons, nor should others, and for those who do we appropriately label as engaging in debauchery and assume that that participation of this behaviour is driven by pathological psychology rather than mere curiosity, biological necessity, or reason based appropriateness.

Your moral absolutes, for instance, seem to be fundamentally premised on your subjective feelings of repulsion. In other words, if something is high on your "ick factor" (e.g. anal-oral contact), then it's immoral. Your purely personal levels of disgust, however, provide no compelling moral criteria for me.

My ick factor is based on being reasonable, ie, I don't think there's any sane justification for A2M/beastiality, therefore I'm opposed to it.....what's your criteria, IOW, justify why those behaviours are reasonable or join me in my truth crusade, lol.

Apart from the above-mentioned "ick factor," what is the rational distinction between oral-anal contact and oral-genital contact?

Im mainly refering to a penis going from the ass to the mouth.....do I have to explain why that's ****ed up?
There's nothing particulary wrong with oral sex, as you're not consuming excrement or urine in the process.{btw, urine and semen are PH opposites...I thought you'd like to know that}
0 Replies
Mon 10 May, 2004 11:55 pm
Whipping Boy, as I recall it, is about a child coerced into porn as part of sexual abuse.

Doubtless, sadly, this is no fantasy, based on the number of children abused by featuring on porn on paedophile websites.

I do not think this is necessarily relevant to adults working in the porn industry, and I do not really see your point, Letty.

It seems to me that, however I may personally feel about porn, that this is like equating sex with rape.
0 Replies
Tue 11 May, 2004 12:59 am
ooh, lawsy, more to say but not tonight. Hint, I agree more with Craven than piffka, have to review in entirety, as I am not keen on coercion. Not in the mood to elucidate, back in the morning.
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Tue 11 May, 2004 08:49 am
David Henry wrote:
Fine but I'm saying that just as you wouldn't do A2M for certain reasons, nor should others, and for those who do we appropriately label as engaging in debauchery and assume that that participation of this behaviour is driven by pathological psychology rather than mere curiosity, biological necessity, or reason based appropriateness.

Several points:
(1) You assume that I would not engage in oral-anal contact "for certain reasons." Your assumption, however, is unwarranted, as I have never expressed any preferences regarding this particular act -- nor will I, as my personal sexual proclivities are largely irrelevant to this type of discussion.
(2) I have never stated that one who engaged in acts such as oral-anal conduct should be labelled as "engaging in debauchery." Frankly, I have only a vague notion of what constitutes "debauchery," so I would hesitate to suggest that someone be "appropriately" described as "debauched."
(3) You have still not provided any evidence for your assertion that some acts, such as oral-anal contact, are "driven by pathological psychology," apart from the obviously elevated rank that this particular act occupies on your personal "ick scale."

David Henry wrote:
My ick factor is based on being reasonable, ie, I don't think there's any sane justification for A2M/beastiality, therefore I'm opposed to it.....what's your criteria, IOW, justify why those behaviours are reasonable or join me in my truth crusade, lol.

Your "ick factor" may indeed be based on what you perceive to be reasonable, but your standards of reasonableness, in turn, are based on your feelings of repulsion and disgust. Or, to put it more plainly, you are simply engaged in a form of question-begging.

As for my own criteria, I'm willing to allow consenting adults to participate in (or view -- this is, after all, a thread on pornography) consensual acts that do not involve or harm unconsenting third parties.

David Henry wrote:
Im mainly refering to a penis going from the ass to the mouth.....do I have to explain why that's ****ed up?

If it is a consenting penis and a consenting mouth, yes, you'll have to explain your objections.

David Henry wrote:
There's nothing particulary wrong with oral sex, as you're not consuming excrement or urine in the process.{btw, urine and semen are PH opposites...I thought you'd like to know that}

So, in sum, we're back to a standard based upon your personal "ick factor."
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David Henry
Tue 11 May, 2004 10:50 am
Sorry Joe, but you're not allowing me to be reasonable, ie, you've decided that any emotional response is outlawed as that's not a rational way to judge behaviour....thinking and feeling co-define each other, adult emotions are automated responses to previously formed value judgements....so if I investigate the intellectual origin of my revulsion, and conclude it was sound, then I'm being reasonable assigning replusive behaviours as debauchery.

Also you say that your own views are not relevent to this discussion as though the pathological have sovereignty over what constitutes reasonable behaviour.

In a nutshell Joe, you're either replused by the notion of someone eating ****, or perhaps have some desire for the activity...remember, my attempt is the formation of what would constitute rational behavior and what would constitute irrational behaviour WRT porn.

So you need to tell us your thoughts on devouring feces...we're all eagerly waiting Shocked
0 Replies
Tue 11 May, 2004 10:55 am
David Henry wrote:

In a nutshell Joe, you're either replused by the notion of someone eating ****, or perhaps have some desire for the activity


So you need to tell us your thoughts on devouring feces...we're all eagerly waiting Shocked

This is NOT an either/or. Just because Joe or I or anyone doesn't disapprove of something, doesn't mean it's something we want to do.
(replace disapprove/want with repulsed/have desire for).

That's not an argument that is going to hold any kind of water. I'm sure Joe or Craven can give the details of what kind of fallacy it is.
0 Replies
Tue 11 May, 2004 11:48 am
David Henry wrote:
Sorry Joe, but you're not allowing me to be reasonable, ie, you've decided that any emotional response is outlawed as that's not a rational way to judge behaviour....thinking and feeling co-define each other, adult emotions are automated responses to previously formed value judgements....so if I investigate the intellectual origin of my revulsion, and conclude it was sound, then I'm being reasonable assigning replusive behaviours as debauchery.

I would not say that "any emotional response is outlawed as that's not a rational way to judge behavior." Indeed, I would assert that emotional responses are real, valid, and justifiable bases for one's own judgments. They just aren't real, valid, or justifiable bases for someone else's judgments.

You, on the other hand, seem to assert that there is some basis by which your personal feelings of disgust should be the standard for everyone else. If there is such a basis -- aside from your well-known "ick scale" -- then it's about time you revealed it.

David Henry wrote:
Also you say that your own views are not relevent to this discussion as though the pathological have sovereignty over what constitutes reasonable behaviour.

Pathological? I made no statement regarding people who are pathological.

David Henry wrote:
In a nutshell Joe, you're either replused by the notion of someone eating ****, or perhaps have some desire for the activity...

This is the sort of idiotic argument that one expects to come up in these kinds of discussions: it's something along the lines of "if you think accused murderers should get a fair trial, maybe that's because you approve of chopping up people with an axe." I'm not sure about the technical term for this fallacy (I don't have my reference books at hand, ehBeth -- maybe Craven can help), but it certainly is a fallacy of substantive distraction: it diverts attention away from the real issue and places it on an irrelevancy.

And irrelevant it surely is. Whether I am in the pro-shiteating camp or the anti-shiteating camp (or in the largely-unconcerned-with-shiteating camp) is simply immaterial to the discussion, since my standard does not rely upon either my own personal approval of or disgust with any particular act.

David Henry wrote:
...remember, my attempt is the formation of what would constitute rational behavior and what would constitute irrational behaviour WRT porn.

And you have failed miserably.

David Henry wrote:
So you need to tell us your thoughts on devouring feces...we're all eagerly waiting Shocked

I am content to leave my personal feelings on coprophagy to your vivid imagination.
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David Henry
Tue 11 May, 2004 12:05 pm
ehBeth wrote:
That's not an argument that is going to hold any kind of water. I'm sure Joe or Craven can give the details of what kind of fallacy it is.

I consider this issue black and white...you're either for or against feces, any fence sitting is the sign of a deviant mind.
0 Replies
David Henry
Tue 11 May, 2004 12:07 pm
You'd make a good lawyer Joe.

I do wonder what you get up to in the night Shocked
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