glitterbag wrote:
Asshole, YOU diagram the sentence. You wrote it, now try to make it cohesive, or at least understandable. Since I can ignore or not ignore you, my choices are driven by how many bullshitassholes, I feel like dealing with. You don't frighten me with your imaginary truth, bottom line is that you are boring but nevertheless it's fun to screw with you every once in a while. I realize this is an unfamiliar concept for you, however, welcome to the USA, Americans and all of the free would have options.
Oh wait a minute, you don't know what diagraming a sentence means. I'm sorry, I shouldn't ask you to do things you haven't been taught. Many apologies, sometimes I forget that not everyone actually got an education.
Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
I will admit that if one examines the entirety of glitterbag comments in this forum that one will find many that are reasonable and even insightful, however one will also find that glitterbag will quite often explode into expletives and invectives when pressed beyond her abilty to cope with competing rhetoric.
Craven should create a
Glitterbag Button icon that members can press when desiring a fireworks display.
She will also lie.