Tue 28 Jan, 2014 12:23 am
Hormel Mary Kitchen Corned Beef Hash Homestyle
Beef and Corned Beef (cured with salt, sugar, water, sodium nitrate), Hydrated potatoes, water, salt, sugar, flavoring, spices, sodium nitrate.
WOW, lets talk about the problems here shall we?
I am going to take a wild educated guess that the top ingredient is majority beef processing scraps mixed with a little low grade corned beef, but why let Hormel hide what is in the can from consumers? This should read: beef processing scraps, corned beef.
Hydrated potatoes: fine, but now a honest label I bet would read " beef processing scraps, hydrated potatoes, corned beef"
Water: fine I guess but since the label is supposed to go by weight we now probably have it " " beef processing scraps, hydrated potatoes, water, corned beef".....just enough actual corned beef to get away with having the words "corned beef" on the labe, as most of the meat is artificially flavored corned beef flavored beef processing scraps which is most certainly not "corned beef".
Sugar: fine
Flavoring: WTF? this tells me nothing, do I not even now get to know if they can claim some of it is natural flavor? ie does not come from a chemical plant
Spices: for instance? Is there maybe salt in this mix? What kind is it? Why cant I know?
Sodium nitrate: so if this ingredient was only listed once where on the list would it go? I have a feeling that it would not be last, but why hide the truth from me?
Well, at least this is not likely to be a horse meat potato mix, if it was sold in Europe I would have to wonder.
Is the glass half empty or is it half full?