"Today, my country from south to north is determined to fight those who have come to "liberate" us by killing our women and our children. The Americans will win the battle, but by besieging Falluja, they have lost the war."
* There has been a virtual blackout of this in the American Media. Any stories that I have seen are scant scetches of this
siege and massacre of mostly old men, women, children and babies. I believe war crimes are being carried out in our names.
This city of 250,000 is painted with a broad brush of "they are all terrorists, Baathist holdovers" and it is far from the truth. While there are Baathasists in this city the majority of the population are not party members.
The USA has decided to make an example out of this city by raizing it and killing anything or anyone that moves and not allowing aide to come in, even to bury the bodies.
Now the US demands that all in the city turn over their weapons or the massacre will continue. I suspect that the massacre will continue.
Once many in Iraq get news of this outrage in this city, they will turn the Occupiers and America will have lost the war against the Iraqi people.