There is a Repub primary in Georgia tomorrow to nominate a candidate for a seat to replace a retiring Repub member of the Senate. Neither of the remaining two got over 50% of the vote in an earlier primary.
The two contenders are Jack Kingston, a 20+ year member of the House, and businessman David Perdue.
Perdue got the most votes in the first primary. The latest polls show Kingston leading by a half dozen points ahead of Tuesday.
The two appear to me to not be very different. The deciding factor will be whether Repubs will buy into Perdue's argument that Kingston is too much of a Washington insider and what is needed is new blood and term limits.
The winner will face Dem Michelle Nunn in the November general election.
Georgia could be a critical factor in determining which party controls the Senate for the next two years.
Alaska Repub primary today. Biggee.