Trump to New York GOP: I'll Run for Governor if We Skip Primary
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Source: Newsmax (yeah, I know - Newsmax)
Trump to New York GOP: I'll Run for Governor if We Skip Primary
Image: Trump to New York GOP: I'll Run for Governor if We Skip Primary
Saturday, 11 Jan 2014 01:08 PM
By Sandy Fitzgerald
Donald Trump is ready to run for governor of New York if the state's Republicans will unify behind him, but state GOP Chairman Ed Cox says Trump should officially declare his candidacy if he's serious about seeking the state's top spot.
Trump told the New York Daily News, after a two-hour meeting with 50 Republicans in his office on Friday, that he is seeking full support of the party and wants no primary elections.
"You can’t have primaries," said Trump. "You can’t have all the wasted time and effort in doing that. You have to pick somebody and go to win. If that couldn’t happen, I wouldn’t do it."
Trump is already gathering some support among Republicans who think he is the only person who and defeat Cuomo. The billionaire is also expected to report that his campaign coffers already have more than $30 million available.
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