Linkat wrote:Ever wonder if someone you write about
here is read by them?
We don t have to
wonder; something
SIMILAR to that
already happened
AT LEAST once, that I recall, however vaguely:
something concerning a news story qua domestic strife
wherein a female relative (maybe stepmother???) insisted on
hitting a boy with a whip (maybe c.10 years old??) .
It did not appear that he had defended himself.
We were discussing it here, when the perpetratoress posted here,
attempting to justify her position, implicitly soliciting moral support
to subjugate the victim.
I posted in defense of the victim, to her vexation.
She insulted me (stupid, ignorant or something of the like).
I answered that whether I were stupid or not,
she shud
not hit the boy with a whip.
This is ez for me to remember, because one of the denizens of A2K
quoted me to that effect in his sig line, for several years (maybe still).
very vaguely remember a few other instances wherein people
who were mentioned in the facts that we were discussing also posted here,
but I can t remember the circumstances enuf to be more specific.
In regard to writing about instances of behavior wherein other members of A2K
have participated: it seems to me that u need only be guided
by 2 considerations, to wit:
1. Don 't reveal any private confidences
that u committed yourself to keep secret
2. be fully truthful.
U probably shud not mention anyone by his
FULL name,
unless we are discussing a public person, e.g. a politician or other celebrity.
Of course, as we know, some of us have met one another
in face-to-face social situations such that we have gotten to know
each other with varying degrees of intensity and it is possible
to write about our adventures together sometimes; again,
we need not
wonder about that.