Ragman wrote:You know what Dale, I have to write this complaint about this behavior you have on A2K...I'm almost regret that I'm doing it. I'll write this upfront. I think your a good person but just a bit misguided.
I have to let you know...because I've seen you do this behavior far too often..and have left you either on ignore or make no comment because of it. Frankly, I thought the behavior not worth the time to call you out on it: This issue of what you say about 'your incipient Alzheimer's' and mortality issue' sticks in my craw. I'll bet I'm not the only one that is bothered by hearing about it so often and behavior is tedious.
Some of us have one or more that one life threatening illnesses or life battles. The fact you refer to yours and do it more than just once..is beyond tedious. Many of us might easily want to find sympathy for anyone that has this going on but ....being lead to that with multiple mentions ... well?
My calling you out on this is not meant to be callous or being a 'Dale hater'.
I'm not superior to you or meaning to elevate myself.
When called out by others in the past, you often wrap yourself in cloak of insincere or attempt at humorous self-deprecation that you must be an 'awful person'. Just don't go there.
We all have a limited time on earth...some of us more limited than others regardless of advanced age. The fact that you write about that issue to this A2K audience and you mention your nephew says about the time you have left, is a curiosity that I don't want to delve into. Frankly, no one here knows how much time they have left..no matter their are or their life circumstance. It can come across as a cheap and hollow attempt at sympathy.
Stepping off my soapbox. Dale I wish you well - I truly do, but please give us a break from this crap, OK?!
I wish to
DISSOCIATE myself from
and to
reject the philosophy that, essentially, demands of Dale
that he
STIFLE HIMSELF in a forum of free expression.
It seems to me that
the gist of your post is to tell Dale
to shut the hell up, except as to matters of which u approve.
From that, I
dissent. For the most part,
this is a relatively libertarian forum. Dale is among the most innocuous
of posters; harmless and of good will, so far as I 've seen.
People have freely mentioned their personal problems here
for years, with no objection.
R u setting up new rules, now ?