So this girl that i'm dating now was my Friend for more than 2years (i was not completely friendzoned u.u ) we see each other several times, and each one of us was engaged to someone else
she WAS attrackted to me "i'm 90% sure about that",Anyway after months when we were the two of us single, i maked my move and asked her out and she said Yes
she told me that she was confused and happy
Now i'm falling in love with this girl and the problem is
that i'm being so nice to her and i'm giving her all the space she needs to make her feel comfortable with me, But she don't stop talking to other boys on "FB/skype/.."
i don't want that because i'm afraid if someone else take her from me - -"
i told her what i'm feeling and i guess she didn't consider that as an important thing..
I love this girl and i don't want to lose her but i'm not that type of guys who can accept to get ignored by someone else, What should i do..?
Thanks evryone!
(Btw Sorry for my poor English and I hope you can understand me)
Tip: She broke up with her because he's so jealous and always trying to know evrything about her.