c.i. ..
No one can prove the existence of numbers (if the number system, or arithmetic, is consistent).
In this context, the term "existence" means "consistency." For if the number system were inconsistent every number could be shown to be equal to zero.
In my life experience, my dependency on numbers have not failed me. If I pay a cashier an amount over the cost of an item, I usually get the right amount in change. As far as numbers go, that's good enough for me! You can argue that you can show any number to equal zero all you want. That's your problem, not mine. c.i.
It is one of my beliefs that the number system is consistent (at least until it were shown to be inconsistent).
cicerone imposter wrote:You can argue that you can show any number to equal zero all you want.
No, I could show every number was zero only if the number system were inconsistent. I believe the contrary, as said above.
satt_f, You're trying to explain something to an individual that doesn't understand, nor care to understand, double negatives. c.i.
(Murmuring:) One lives with numbers, it sounds natural. Then it seems also natural for someone to live with "superpower."
satt_f, Many believe the way you do. Even all of my siblings. c.i.
...Are you speaking of numerology? This is one of the things I believe has as much BASIC validity, as any major religion, or philosophy, including astrology. However, only my mind leads me.
I am talking about Arithmetic.
Proof of the consistency of arithmetic has its own difficulty. I am not particularly interested in numerology or astrology. I am interested in arithmetic, astronomy and those in the line.
c.i. you said you didn't believe in prayer because it could imply that some super power is listening in.
Good grief, this is some show we put on down here on planet Earth. I'm sure somebody is watching, laughing their heads (its head?) off - or crying. Do you suppose they (whoever they may be) place bets?
Maybe between god and satan? They're both laughing, and placing their bets for win, place, and show.

Consider the awe in which our pets consider us;
- Totally in control (usually).
- Supplier of food, and all visceral needs...well most!
- Able to do things they have not even considered.
- Omniscient; we know who pissed on the carpet, even though we weren't there!
5000 years ago, some bizarre things happened in Egypt;
If, and it's one massive "if" we are looking at evidence of "alien" intervention, is this the original source of our "gods"?
If something is totally beyond your points of referrence, how do you render it understandable?
BoGoWo, you hit the nail on the head. No wonder the word has been "gods." Not just God. And, how about the gods coming to earth, finding the women "fair" and mating with them? As in the bible.
Even atheists have a sense of humor.
An atheist was walking through the woods one day, admiring all that evolution had created. Suddenly he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him.
Turning to look, he saw an 8 foot grizzly bear beginning to charge
toward him.
He ran fast as he could down the path. He looked over his shoulder
and saw that the bear was rapidly closing on him
Running faster yet, he looked again and the bear was even closer.
His heart was pounding in his chest. He tried to run faster. But alas,
he tripped and fell to the ground.
As he rolled over to pick himself up, the bear was right over him, reaching for him with its left paw and raising its right paw to strike him.
"OH MY GOD! ..."
Time stopped.
The bear froze.
The forest was silent.
Even the river stopped moving.
As a brilliant light shone upon the man, a thunderous voice came from all around.
Difficult as it was, the atheist looked directly into the light and said,
"It would be hypocritical to ask to be a Christian after all these
years, but perhaps you could make the bear a Christian?"
"VERY WELL," said the voice.
The light went out.
The river ran.
The sounds of the forest resumed. ... and the bear dropped down to his knees, brought both paws together, bowed his head and spoke:
"Lord, thank you for this food which I am about to receive."
In response to original question of this thread. I think I can prove that religion doesn't exist, but it is impossible to prove that God doesn't exist.
In response to original question of this thread. I think I can prove that religion doesn't exist, but it is impossible to prove that God doesn't exist.
Sorry I missed this one!
It is at least theoretically possible that one could prove that GOD exists -- if there is a GOD.
If there are no gods, obviously, one would not be able to prove that there is a GOD.
If there are no gods -- I think it iwould be impossible to prove that.