tex-star "All of you seem OK to me." perhaps an increase or change of medication will clear that up.
With tongue firmly planted in cheek, I'm announcing the arrival of the latest religion/philosophy: "The C.I.,Boo, Church Of KISS"*
......*.Keep It Simple Stupid!........ (whaddaya' think, Archbishop, Imposter?
Booman, That's me, alright: Simple minded. You make it difficult to disagree.
"birds of a Feather"..."takes one to know one"... and all that good stuff. :wink:
dys, I hope nobody is OK here. That would be boring. Anyhow, I can't take medication, it reacts the opposite it should. I took a tranquilizer once & felt I was deep inside a cave. I took pills once for leg cramps and wOW did my legs cramp.
So, me is me is me. Actually, I've never been sick but take Vitamin C for Texas cedar fever (worst allergy ever). Tylenol for everything else.
Can I join that church, KISS? Thinks I'm already there. I'll be the example and Booman and CI can be the witnesses.
Tex, You 'are' asking for trouble! ha, ha, ha.... Me as a witness? ha, ha... I also suffer from short memory loss. c.i.
Ahh the beauty of simplicity. when you took the notion, you were in.
HALELUJAH! Another soul has been saved from complications, and dogma!
When I was in 7th grade, we were studing evolution in science. I asked my teacher how he saw evolution in relation to the bible? His reply:
"When I'm in the lab - I'm a scientist; when I'm in church - I'm not."
It has always stayed with me and I've used that concept in many pieces of my life since.
If I felt like that, neither my spirituality, or my scientific attitude, would have validity. But that's just me. I'l admit I was confused as a child, by the seeming incongruety, through, research, and meditation, the two eventually merged into co-existance within my psyche.
Booman, I've noticed that "dogma" pretty much disappeared from many religions. Few make the claim that they are the only 'true' church. c.i.
But there have appeared groups of science teachers who maintain that a theory in science is the only 'true' theory.
Then there's the Kansas Board of Education - school book buying committee.
I believe you're right C.I.,
...It SEEMS that laymen in the respective, religions, have an attitude of, "Okay, I'll accept you in your ignorance."...I remember as a matter of fact, about 30 years ago, studying the Koran, I noticed that the religion wasn't dogmatic, as many leaders would have you believe. And even in the Christian religion I remember as a child, reading a verse that said,'Ye shall be saved by your beliefs" Now I took that to mean, as long as you sincerely believe you are doing the right thing, you're on the right track. So it's possible that all along it was interpretation, that was dogmatic.
As one case in point; my sister is a christian, and the teachings of the church was that homosexuality was a sin. The message is still the same, but now they claim they love the sinner, but not the homosexual acts. They're getting sophisticated too! LOL c.i.
Who asked them to enjoy the act, it is kinda yecky to me - but I won't condemn them to hell! I also have trouble with kissing rings and talking in tongues!
Omigawd! that ring thing. Plus I have never called but one man , Father.
Oh My God!
cicerone imposter wrote:JLN, Buddhist's still pray to Buddha. I do not believe in prayer, because it implies some superpower is listening. c.i.
This kind of conclusion, at this point in the argument, is frightening... Funny how it just seemed to slip between the cracks.
If one refuses "superpower", one could refuse "number" as a fictitious being.
satt_f, Seems to me you're mixing apples and oranges. c.i.
more like 3's and oranges