You insist I let go. Why? Are you interested? I'm not serious.
I honestly don't want to speak to this person. So frustration is not likely. I love too much to let frustration conquer me. Stress, depression, else more on the other hand has conquered my entire life. Only having got worse with time.
I don't expect him to ever contact me, to have anything to do with me unless I become good enough. Which arrows point to not ever likely.
Again with the actions.. he can't fool me with him acting immature. This individual has tried many times. If this person doesn't know when he's seriously fucked a person up from his head games then that itself tells me, lets me know he never understood what he was doing. That itself is immature. Being an adult much older in age than I one should know, understand their own actions before doing so. But I know aside from the head games, mind games.. how mature of an individual he is. And I strongly admire that quality in him. Reason I feel as I do for him.
With words as mentioned, I just need to go get diagnosed as a crazy person and hopefully be sentenced to a mental institute.