Why do people deny evolution?

Sun 4 May, 2014 08:04 am
fossils?? having a laugh now!
It is the laughter of the innocent .

I forgot that youd buy into entelechy andvis plastica
(you can look it up, I think youll be at home there)

Im not laughing, Im incredulous . Can you feed yourself? Tie your own laces?
can you walk and chew gum at the same time?

just doin some research for our files
Sun 4 May, 2014 08:08 am
my o my it seems the only thing you can do is ridicule

please grow up.
Sun 4 May, 2014 08:56 am
Lack of denying evolution to me shows that the individual lack the ability to explore. Instead they retreat into the safety of the biblical womb.

As for evolution, I'm not going to restrict myself to the darwinian model as I consider that the idea of evolution was due (to some extent prompted by the American Revolution) and that darwin is just a name. IMHO the principals of survival of the fittest goes back to prehistory, darwin among others (e.g. mendel) recognized that mutations happen and many minds in the mid 19th century were putting this together.

So if you want to call it darwin (he has the most votes), or wallace, or mendel, or whatever the chinese, japanese or russian evolutionary thinkers of the time were named, scientific evolutionary theory was due in 1850.

Too bad there are so many people who are willing to stay with the safety of a camp fire story.

Sun 4 May, 2014 08:57 am
How about the biography of Emma?

She seemed to me to epitomize that old saw about a wife being a domestic appliance which is screwed on the bed and does all the housework.

The hyperboles in the expressions of the fondest love are always over-blown in the deepest realms of misogyny. Do you not agree?
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Sun 4 May, 2014 10:37 am

wow! you really don't read my postings! The Bible is one big hoax, an even jezus never existed. Now, how can you say to me something about the bible.
it just shows how deeply irrational you are!

but offcourse you need something to defend your religion called evolution, right? Wink
Sun 4 May, 2014 11:12 am
Too bad there are so many people who are willing to stay with the safety of a camp fire story.

Only too bad for some rap. Tell a better story and the world will beat a path to your camp fire. And What Katie Did Next is a better story than evolution.

When are you going to get around to doing something about the stubbornly low ratings in the opinion polls of atheism?

The modern view is that scientific certainty has become the shallow end of the pool and eagerly sought by those who talk tough about exploring but haven't ever done any.

What exactly is the territory to be explored that you have in mind? It must be pretty familiar for you to think you know what it is. And it will be under the guiding hand of fund providers as is the case in a brothel.
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Sun 4 May, 2014 01:38 pm
This topic was a lot more fun when we had jimmyj to boot around. Lately, there has been no substantive input, only caterwauling claims.

Garcon! Le addition, sil vous plait.
Sun 4 May, 2014 01:48 pm
your right!

There is no valuable input, like, let's see, ehh evidence for (macro) evolution.

hence we can see evolution is a hoax of some sort,
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Sun 4 May, 2014 03:40 pm
Ah! Another claim that the scientific process is religion.

Fundamental difference between science and religion,bub. Science is based on questions. Religion is based on not questioning.

BTW read biblical as any faith based camp fire story.

Sun 4 May, 2014 03:55 pm
I think it's because these people desperately need to believe in the biblical story. They are afraid to allow any doubt in that story because their lives and the way they make sense of the world will be shattered if the Bible isn't true.

This is also why these same people are homophobic.

Horrific fear.
Sun 4 May, 2014 04:13 pm
Not wanting to read the whole thread, but have arthropods been a part of this discussion? From very humble (and evidence-based) beginnings, they have been the fastest evolving and most profilic of all the creatures on the planet. There's a theory that they are actually an alien invader, well on their way to "taking over" Earth, and they are currently over the 80% mark, in representing all life on the planet.

Whole food chains rely upon these critters, and they are so prolific at finding new niches, there's varieties that live in the pores of our skin, and the tearducts of our eyes.
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Sun 4 May, 2014 05:01 pm
Science is based on questions. Religion is based on not questioning.

Or so you like to think rap: carefully avoiding explaining which questions you are talking about or, perhaps, being too innocent to know that there are questions you haven't yet being introduced to or being too delicate to go out of your way to avoid them.

Sun 4 May, 2014 08:38 pm
Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding.


Christianity actively tells adherents not to question or challenge God's word or a parent's authority. (Or a master's, if you are a slave.)
0 Replies
Sun 4 May, 2014 11:01 pm
Ah! Another claim that the scientific process is religion.

Fundamental difference between science and religion,bub. Science is based on questions. Religion is based on not questioning.

BTW read biblical as any faith based camp fire story.


well, you are simply wring, I have studied at a university,
It really is a religion, but it gives us the illusion you can question anthing.
It is very simply not true.
plenty of examples were you are not allowd to make certain questions.
(e.g evolution!)
and..there are plenty of taboo subjects (ufo, free energy etc).

call it a religion, call it a cult, but it has nothing to with real inquiry into things.
it ONLY has to do with enslaving the mind of the people.

As I have written before, when the religions didn't work very well anymore to control the masses, the same people who gave us religion invented 'science'.

oh btw is it me or does 'science' sounds a little bit like 'silence'? Wink

just a question I know, nothing more. Wink
Sun 4 May, 2014 11:05 pm
I think it's because these people desperately need to believe in the biblical story. They are afraid to allow any doubt in that story because their lives and the way they make sense of the world will be shattered if the Bible isn't true.

This is also why these same people are homophobic.

Horrific fear.

Strange posting indeed.
You seem to jump to a lot of conclusions, without any form of research ( or just reading my postings).

I don't believe in the bible, to me it is one big hoax, perpetrated by the Piso fsmily in rome,and a man called jezus never existed at all, he is just an exoteric symbol, for those who are 'in the know'.
(Actually this should be for another thread but ah well,
Nearly every story you can find in the bible you can find in pagan-religions hundreds or even thousand of years before the jezus fairy tail, yes, including the crucifixion and the resurrection, there is more to it offcourse)

So, I am absolutely not afraid because it will shatter my beliefs,
So, that arguments holds no ground whatsoever.

Further more I am not homophobic, again your jumping in a very illogical irrational way to your conclusiosn , without having doen any research ( or reading my postings)

Let the reader now makes its own cnclusion.

It really is funny that people want to call names, invent all sort of reasons why people say 'evolution' is not real, but they hardly talk about the evidence itself. It is offcourse because there is none!

Furthermore, there have been a lot of hoaxes, peppermoth and what have you.well, what 'science subject' needs hoaxes.? I think it is a sign of being desperate.

I think it is very simple why people reject (macro)evolution, there is NO EVIDENCE.

what's not to understand about that?
Sun 4 May, 2014 11:44 pm
In your 'university training' you must have avoided learning much about the history of science, because if you had you might have noticed that 'evolution' as you call 'religion' has never been questioned.

I also know that the present evolutionary theory has withstood over 150 years of questioning and several piss pots full of confirmatory observation.

Nevertheless if you can come up with a better theory to explain why the present theory is wrong, have at it, have at it.

BTW one of the most interesting sidelights of the theory of evolution is synchronicity with theory of plate tectonics. Those are the lines that led Wallace to simultaneously and independently used to reach the same evolutionary theory. Later Wallace's evolutionary lines where are almost a perfect match to the edges of oceanic plates, which explained the species isolation.

All in all it makes a lot more sense than campfire WAGs.

Sun 4 May, 2014 11:54 pm
In your 'university training' you must have avoided learning much about the history of science, because if you had you might have noticed that 'evolution' as you call 'religion' has never been questioned.

I also know that the present evolutionary theory has withstood over 150 years of questioning and several piss pots full of confirmatory observation.

Nevertheless if you can come up with a better theory to explain why the present theory is wrong, have at it, have at it.

BTW one of the most interesting sidelights of the theory of evolution is synchronicity with theory of plate tectonics. Those are the lines that led Wallace to simultaneously and independently used to reach the same evolutionary theory. Later Wallace's evolutionary lines where are almost a perfect match to the edges of oceanic plates, which explained the species isolation.

All in all it makes a lot more sense than campfire WAGs.

Thank you!
This is a beautifull example of what I mean!

let's see;

evolutionary theory has withstood over 150 years of questioning and several piss pots full of confirmatory observation

This is just your belief offcourse and it this sentence I see only dogma, not science, or any evidence. You are just repeating the official dogma. nothing else.
(btw this is how 'science' and 'public schooling' works, they repeat nonsense
a trillion times, amd then when someonse starts to believe in it because of this repetition it becomes 'fact'.
That's how it works everywhere in the religion called 'science' or even better 'scientism')

Here another one:

evertheless if you can come up with a better theory to explain

No evidene at all, and you just don't seem to understand that not having an alernative theory does NOT validate this (evolution) theory.

All in all it makes a lot more sense than campfire WAGs.

Again, no evidence at all, and about 'making sense',, well, jesus being crucified and resurected and what have you makes sense to the catholics.
So , it doesn't say a damn thing.

Mon 5 May, 2014 12:44 am
Helloooooooo, anybody home?

There are over two million species of arthropods, who initially arrived on Earth in the middle of the Cambrian period. Naturally, they were more evolved than their ancestors in a variety of ways and thus possessed their own unique characteristics.

Essentially, arthropods are characterised by possessing jointed limbs and an exoskeleton. They are the most successful animal Phylum on the planet, in regards to population size and species diversity. There is thought to be over 2 million types of arthropod in today's world.

The exoskeleton may illustrate what life was like at the time. It is of a defensive, protective nature to possess a shell, thus this suggests that competition was quite fierce in the Cambrian era, both from parasites and potential predators.

The arthropods were also the first taxon of species to exhibit more advanced receptors in the form of eyes (photoreceptors) and the development of various chemoreceptors that could be used in both the external and internal environment. Such developments have naturally been advantageous over time, illustrated by ourselves.

Since the arthropods possessed such desirable features, their survival over the long term is apparent by their genetic diversity

Article here

Having an exoskeleton, arthropods leave very clear fossil evidence of their development and evolutionary paths. From humble beginnings, they have mastered the oceans, the air, the bodies of mammals, including us, and many of the larger mammals rely upon them solely for sustenance. Two million plus individual arthropods exist today.

You can't disprove their existence. A single drop of water contains dozens of them.
0 Replies
Mon 5 May, 2014 01:09 am
And here's what you don't see happening in the oceans of our world.

“Although we can’t see them with our naked eye, marine microbes are the dominant life forms in our oceans,” says Rachel J. Parsons, first author and a microbial oceanographer with the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Science. “They comprise 95 percent of the living biomass in the oceans—more than all the krill, fish, and whales put together.

“They grow at rates many times faster than larger animals. As a result of their sheer numbers, and the rates at which they grow, they are responsible for transforming and shaping the distribution of life’s essential elements—and they help control climate on our planet. Without marine microbes, life as we know it could not persist.”

There are approximately 10 million viruses in every drop of surface seawater, but very few are infectious agents to larger animals like fish, whales, or humans. That’s because almost all of the marine viruses are “phages”—viruses that specifically attack marine bacteria. Marine phages cannot carry out cellular metabolism and must therefore rely on the metabolic machinery of their bacterioplankton hosts to replicate.

The underwater warfare kills the hosts, causing them to spill their internal nutrient content into the surrounding water.

Article here

Again, though arthropods don't make up all of that microbial life in the ocean, they, along with the phytoplankton, are now responsible for all life on Earth, as we know it today.

But there was a time when they weren't here. They ARRIVED here. And evolved. Faster than any other species or phylum.
0 Replies
Mon 5 May, 2014 01:24 am
and other than providing a nebulous critique of science in general, you've added nothing of pertinence to the conversation .

How Troll.


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