which book are you talking about? I said already IVE RED SAFARTIS STUFF and many of his works, because the religious right is always attempting to impose its worldview into an already bleeding science curriculum of our public schools. When politics has stuck its ugly head into what must remain objective "Sciemtific method" based material, much of these self pronouncuing ICR guys merely want their place back.
The religious had full control of public schools until after the SCopes Trial, and most science programs were (LIke the Book "CIVIL BIOLOGY"), were full of error, were not vetted by scientists, only clergy, ere full of RACIST aand Indoctrintional quasi religious claptrap. ALL public and parochial schools had no direction about what science methods should be taught so it was pretty much chaos and people were harmed for professing evolutionary thinking. When it became so obvious that the tide of evidence could not be avoided and several states attempted to maintain control over kids minds especially in science and history. These states established laws that were clearly in violation of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. SO a long bunch of cases starting in Tennessee and continuing through the several states into the 50's Arkansas and Kansas 60's and then the late 80's based upon a landmark case that was supported by many dignitaries in medicine and science, The US Suprem Court found against the State of Louisiana in the famous
Edwards v Aguillard case that "Scientific Creationism" is a religious worldview and is Not standard science. It is therefore not protected under the Constitution especially the "establishment Clause "of the 1st Amendment. The Creationists , undeterred, merely changed their title from "Scientific Creation LLC" to "Intelligent Design Inc". Consequently after another 20 years of bullshit hassle by the fundamental and mostly right wing deniers of science, a case was adjudicated in PA Fed District Court that found that "Intelligent Desing" is merely Creationism with a lab coat. It too is religion posing as science.
So all those books of and by these Creationists, don't really make me ngry. Its a war and losing ones temper doesn't amount to anything. Weve been fairly successful at stomping the mindless Creationist BS from schools that receive public money (this includes Charter schools in PA because these schools receive half their allotments of per student assessment)
HAving schools be under the microscope is whats needed for a long time to come. Were not doing a good job by our kids and Creationism thinking posing as science has taken a lot of valuable time from fixing the core problems of schools.
All these books have been debunked by professionals , Im not sharing that info unless no specific cases are under review in which several of these are or may become "exhibits" Let me just say that:
An arithmetic analysis of "Why evolution is impossible" is an impossibility as a construct, because it starts with a conclusion and then merely hunts for the values that will fit into any statistical expansion that will make your needed answer. That's BS because,, since ALL evolution is not INFINITE the chances of occurrence are unity, and with each condition that expresses itself, sequential expressions are then "clipped off".This making the number of possibilities lesser and lesser.
I saw you are going on about bad education. In part I agree, but theres a reason that's waaay less simplistic than you conjur. Anti science has always been in the drivers seat and much of human history the sciences have suffered under the priests who called the "heresy" shots.
Even Marism was a state religion that looked at evolution and declared it "Bourgeois ' and not for us Soviets.