Why do people deny evolution?

Mon 22 Oct, 2018 02:35 pm
OldGrumpy wrote:

But there are truly problems with the industrial consumerist culture that are causing real environmental problems and unsustainability.

Like what?

Waste, including natural land and human time. As technology grew more efficient, people/businesses used it to make more money instead of sufficing with less by working more efficiently. This led to a rat race where people and businesses compete to make more money by wasting resources unnecessarily. They do it in hopes of making money they might not otherwise.

So many buildings are developed because everyone from workers to contractors to investors want more money. There is already some other stores that are sufficient for serving the area, but investors see an opportunity to compete, so they buy up some land, clear it and develop it. Now there are twice as many stores than necessary, and the land was deforested to build them instead of designing the architecture in a way that preserves the natural forest ecology.

Now they build wide paved roads and plenty of parking lots so everyone can drive around the sprawl. Additionally they mow all the grass instead of letting trees and natural shrubs/plants grow back and fill up the cleared space. The result is (sub)urban landscapes that are sprawling and mostly devoid of the ecological organisms and natural functions they once performed.

People have their priorities all wrong because they measure success in dollar quantities instead of in the volume of healthy living soil and forest/tree canopy that is preserved and/or restored to an area that humans inhabit and/or otherwise use for economic purposes.
Mon 22 Oct, 2018 04:51 pm
You appear to me to be completely delusional. Have you considered professional counseling? You have no more idea what socialism means than you do what fascism means. You obviously also don't know a damned thing about history. The Soviet Union was, allegedly, socialist long before the second world war. Lenin only modified the Marxist version of socialism when the New Economic Policy was adopted in 1921, and he freely admitted that it was a "retreat" from Marxism. The Soviet state was a communist state, in the Marxist sense of the dictatorship of the proletariat. That was precisely why Lenin promulgated the NEP--to have the dictatorship of the proletariat, you need an industrial state with an industrial proletariat. Had Lenin not been shot by Fanya Kaplan in 1918, he might have had the energy to impose his policies effectively. As it was, he was fortunate to have survived his wounds. Regardless of whether one considers the NEP to have been an effective policy, it is total bullsh*t to compare the Marxist-Leninist state to modern socialist states.

Your comments about the NSDAP (the German acronym for the National Socialist German Workers' Party) are even crazier, although not surprising. Since at least the election of Mr. Obama, conservative nutbags have been attempting to forward the idiotic narrative that the Nazis were left-wing. Hitler ran against Hindenburg for President in 1932. He got just 35% of the vote. The NSDAP got 37% of the votes in the Reichstag in the 1932 elections, and due to the constitution, had 35% of the seats. After the Reichstag fire in February, 1933, Hitler declared that the fire had been a part of a Communist plot, and used that as an excuse to ban all left-wing parties. (The arsonist, who freely admitted what he had done, was a severely mentally-ill Dutchman who vigorously denied being a communist.) In the subsequent elections, the Nazis still only polled fractionally over 44% of the vote. To gain power, Hitler formed an alliance with the DNVP (the German acronym for the German National Peoples' Party, next to the Nazis, the most right-wing party in Germany). That still did not give him the necessary two-thirds to take over the government, so by conspiring with Franz von Papen, a former Chancellor, he formed a coalition of the NSDAP, the DNVP and the Zentrum, a right-wing Catholic party (there were still heavy restrictions on political activity by Catholics in Germany at that time). That's how Hitler secured the passage of the Enabling Act, which gave him the power to legislate without the participation of the Riechstag. That's how Hitler came to power, and it was a right-wing takeover. Hitler's first move after the Riechstag fire was to outlaw left-wing parties. His first move after the passage of the Enabling Act was to outlaw all political parties, other than the NSDAP.

You don't know a goddamned thing about socialism, fascism, Nazism, or, it appears, any reliable history at all.
Mon 22 Oct, 2018 06:08 pm
Setanta wrote:

You appear to me to be completely delusional. Have you considered professional counseling?

First, you shouldn't do this in discussions. It is terribly aggressive and provocative.

You have no more idea what socialism means than you do what fascism means.

If you're going to make these bold assertions that I have no idea what I'm talking about, you have to explain what was wrong with my descriptions, from your perspective. Otherwise you're just blowing up what I said and replacing it with what you have to say.

You obviously also don't know a damned thing about history. The Soviet Union was, allegedly, socialist long before the second world war. Lenin only modified the Marxist version of socialism when the New Economic Policy was adopted in 1921, and he freely admitted that it was a "retreat" from Marxism.

I don't know this exactly, but I do know that Marx disliked socialism and saw it as an obstacle to achieving communism. Really, they are very different because socialism preserves capitalism and redistributes money as a means of controlling society. Communism is ultimately about everyone working for the common good and doesn't require any money because people only take what they need to sustain themselves. Communism is a lovely idea, in theory, but it requires everyone be on their absolute best behavior, otherwise there are no budgets limiting how much people can take from the common supply of resources.

The Soviet state was a communist state, in the Marxist sense of the dictatorship of the proletariat. That was precisely why Lenin promulgated the NEP--to have the dictatorship of the proletariat, you need an industrial state with an industrial proletariat.

Marx saw communism as something that would occur voluntarily once people grasped the spirit of it, but the authoritarianism was deemed a necessary bridge before arriving at the voluntary version. Either way, the point was that liberty was never explicitly promoted as part of communism, though it certainly could have been. In fact, you could argue that Adam Smith foresaw capitalism evolving into communism by means of diligent saving and the self-discipline that comes with that and the work ethic.

Had Lenin not been shot by Fanya Kaplan in 1918, he might have had the energy to impose his policies effectively. As it was, he was fortunate to have survived his wounds. Regardless of whether one considers the NEP to have been an effective policy, it is total bullsh*t to compare the Marxist-Leninist state to modern socialist states.

Socialism is just collectivist authoritarianism. The idea is to revoke any respect of individual liberty in favor of either centralized or decentralized subjugation of individuals to collective authority in some form or other.

Your comments about the NSDAP (the German acronym for the National Socialist German Workers' Party) are even crazier, although not surprising. Since at least the election of Mr. Obama, conservative nutbags have been attempting to forward the idiotic narrative that the Nazis were left-wing.

Nazism was socialist/fascist. Right and left refer to being for or against the status quo. If you deem the Weimar republic the status quo of the time, then you would call the Nazis left wing, but since the Weimar republic was regarded as a progressive, leftist regime, the Nazis are regarded as right wing.

From another perspective, the capitalists/bourgeoisie of that time were the winners of WWI and the war debt and repayment terms in the treaty of Versailles put the German losers in economic subjugation to the winners, France and Germany. So Nazis could have easily viewed themselves as a proletarian rebellion against the capitalists to the west, but of course they framed their crusade as a war against Bolshevism and 'the Jews,' so they were against soviet communism and thus would appear as right wing in the sense of soviet communism being leftist.

That's how Hitler came to power, and it was a right-wing takeover. Hitler's first move after the Riechstag fire was to outlaw left-wing parties. His first move after the passage of the Enabling Act was to outlaw all political parties, other than the NSDAP.

You don't know a goddamned thing about socialism, fascism, Nazism, or, it appears, any reliable history at all.

Have you ever read Michel Foucault? He did a really good job of deconstructing the differences between institutions like the military, prisons, hospitals, etc. by treating them all as instruments of authoritarian power and control over populations.

Hitler's nazis were disgruntled WWI soldiers. In a sense they were just veterans who took control over the government/state to set up a nationwide welfare state.

Welfare state socialism is always authoritarian and fascist. It may pretend to be kind and gentle, but the reality is that people have to work to provide welfare for everyone who is entitled to benefits, so there has to be mechanisms, taxation and other requirements for labor force participation. If people opt out, who is going to provide for the national welfare?

That's why all forms of socialism are essentially the same. I won't say that there is no situation where I wouldn't support some form of socialism, i.e. if it was necessary to prevent people from starving/dying, for example. But that's not how it's used in the US.

In the US, socialism aims to pay the high wages and lucrative contracts that are expected by fully-capitalist people and businesses. So unlike other systems of socialized healthcare, there was no part of Obamacare that disciplined doctors, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, etc. to lower their prices and costs. No, there was only a mandate that everyone must buy into for-profit health insurance, and as a result providers started jacking up prices with $$$ in their eyes because of the now government-mandated revenue stream coming into the insurance sector, which in term stimulated all the bourgeois investors from around the globe to milk even more money out of the US 'social healthcare,' in order to fund their own national socialized healthcare systems, which were/are much cheaper because they control what their people and businesses can milk out of the system.

But ultimately a US universal health care system shouldn't have to be mandatory/socialist at all. The US has this ideal called liberty where individuals devote their freedom to living responsibly. That means that people SHOULD be able to cooperate voluntarily to provide the best healthcare to everyone who needs it and that no one should exploit health care industry for exploitative levels of money. Well, guess how far the US people and businesses and ESPECIALLY all the global investors who only care about the US as a market to milk money, care about liberty and voluntary social-ethical responsibility? Not much, if at all, so what we are really supposed to be doing is undermining all that socialist obstruction that prevents the free market from simply providing anyone who wants it the opportunity to learn and practice medicine, produce pharmaceuticals, etc. without submitting to corporate-control mechanisms that prevent price competition and thus make health care unaffordable.
Mon 22 Oct, 2018 08:19 pm
You've got a gall to complain about anyone else being provocative and aggressive.

I explained exactly what is wrong with your claims about socialism in this thread, and your claim about fascism in another thread. I've laid it out in detail here. You mention one author, but do not provide any citations of that author's work, so that was meaningless. Everything which you have said about socialism, fascism and communism is completely unfounded. You demonstrate clearly that you don't know what the hell you're talking about, and when you refer to "socialism" in the United States you really demonstrate that you don't know what the hell you're talking about. In nations which truly do have socialized medicine, the state itself insures the costs. Here, we've got this capitalist weenie version which farms it out to insurance companies--privately-owned providers. You also clearly do not know what Marx thought about socialism.

For Marx, socialism (or communism) is not flight or abstraction from, or loss of the objective world which men have created by the objectification of their faculties. It is not an impoverished return to unnatural, primitive simplicity. It is rather the first real emergence, the genuine actualization of man's nature as something real. Socialism, for Marx, is a society which permits the actualization of man's essence, by overcoming his alienation. It is nothing less than creating the conditions for the truly free, rational, active and independent man; it is the fulfillment of the prophetic aim: the destruction of the idols.

This is from Erich Fromm's 1961 book, Marx's Concept of Man, which is available on-line. The source of the quoted material above is Chapter Six, 6.Marx's Concept Of Socialism I will take Fromm's word over yours any time.

Your comments about Nazism once again demonstrate that you don't know what the hell you're talking about. In fact, your claim about disgruntled veterans and that Nazism was "socialist/fascist" serves to demonstrate this. It's not worth my time to attempt to educate you any further. Everything I've written about the NSDAP and Hitler's rise to power is not simply correct, but is verifiable.

Your further comments about the United States and it's values and aspirations just demonstrates that you are completely out of touch with reality, and are just puking up your bizarre and idiosyncratic political theory. Truly, you do not live in the real world.
Mon 22 Oct, 2018 11:36 pm
Waste, including natural land and human time. As technology grew more efficient, people/businesses used it to make more money instead of sufficing with less by working more efficiently. This led to a rat race where people and businesses compete to make more money by wasting resources unnecessarily. They do it in hopes of making money they might not otherwise.

It is ALL by design, yes, from the top!
You write a lot ( too much for my taste).
Just look up agende 21/2030 and you understand what it is you see all around you and what is coming. It is ALL by design and has nothing to do with some
'human motivation' and other bla bla bla.
0 Replies
Mon 22 Oct, 2018 11:37 pm
You don't know a goddamned thing about socialism, fascism, Nazism, or, it appears, any reliable history at all.

History as taught in prisons eh sorry schools is completely wrong of course. As they say 'history' is written by the winners. But there is so much more.
0 Replies
Mon 22 Oct, 2018 11:40 pm
Marx disliked socialism and saw it as an obstacle to achieving communism.

o man o man,


Any idea where Karl Marx came from? Oh and by the way, he was an ardent follower of evil-lotion. Figures eh!? Get your philosophy from 'science' and you can kill milliosn of people without remorse!

Go figure!
0 Replies
Tue 23 Oct, 2018 05:53 am
Setanta wrote:

You've got a gall to complain about anyone else being provocative and aggressive.

Why? You consider it provocative and aggressive if I don't march in lockstep with . . . ? What have I said that is aggressive? Maybe I say things that are blunt and direct, and I don't avoid saying things that might offend because they are the naked truth, but those are things you're not supposed to shy away from unless you want to play groupthink.

I explained exactly what is wrong with your claims about socialism in this thread, and your claim about fascism in another thread. I've laid it out in detail here. You mention one author, but do not provide any citations of that author's work, so that was meaningless.

I explained exactly what I meant about Foucault's work. I think you are confused about what clear communication is and that's what causes you to be so angry in so many posts. Probably you're a graduate student who is just fighting to whip people into line with your professors because that's how you think you'll buy your way into the ivory tower. Good luck with that.

Everything which you have said about socialism, fascism and communism is completely unfounded. You demonstrate clearly that you don't know what the hell you're talking about, and when you refer to "socialism" in the United States you really demonstrate that you don't know what the hell you're talking about. In nations which truly do have socialized medicine, the state itself insures the costs. Here, we've got this capitalist weenie version which farms it out to insurance companies--privately-owned providers. You also clearly do not know what Marx thought about socialism.

'Capitalist weenie version?' By keeping health care costs high in the US and paying them automatically via government mandate, that effectively funds the stock market growth that other welfare state governments use to tap their investors who pay taxes to those governments.

Global welfare state socialism can't function without stock market growth and taxation, so governments stimulate such growth, preferably outside their local economies to avoid the rat race and inflation that comes with it. The US is a nice growth furnace for the global economy in their eyes, along with China, because they/we are big markets and both relatively isolated from Europe.

For Marx, socialism (or communism) is not flight or abstraction from, or loss of the objective world which men have created by the objectification of their faculties. It is not an impoverished return to unnatural, primitive simplicity. It is rather the first real emergence, the genuine actualization of man's nature as something real. Socialism, for Marx, is a society which permits the actualization of man's essence, by overcoming his alienation. It is nothing less than creating the conditions for the truly free, rational, active and independent man; it is the fulfillment of the prophetic aim: the destruction of the idols.

That's just lovely rhetoric, but it skirts the actual market and social-cultural manipulations that are done to effectuate socialism and how.

Plus, 'actualizing man's essence' is subjective. Some people probably think their essence is actualized when they win the lottery, but that isn't what Marx meant. The traditional idea of a republic governed by liberty is extremely close to that, if you take slavery out of the equation, but that's not how the republic plays out at present because of the large boondoggle of exploitation modern capitalism has facilitated. Capitalism itself isn't the problem, because it is possible for people to use money to mediate economic exchanges responsibly. It is the moral degeneration and failure of individuals to take responsibility for making the sacrifices required for a voluntarily good society.

This is from Erich Fromm's 1961 book, Marx's Concept of Man, which is available on-line. The source of the quoted material above is Chapter Six, 6.Marx's Concept Of Socialism I will take Fromm's word over yours any time.

Why don't you drop the academic pomp and posturing and just talk about things without trying to route people back into academia?

Your comments about Nazism once again demonstrate that you don't know what the hell you're talking about. In fact, your claim about disgruntled veterans and that Nazism was "socialist/fascist" serves to demonstrate this. It's not worth my time to attempt to educate you any further. Everything I've written about the NSDAP and Hitler's rise to power is not simply correct, but is verifiable.

All you did was post a bunch of historical details that didn't support any central thesis. All you do is say I don't know what 'the hell' I am talking about, claim you do, and then post a bunch of details. You don't make any central points about nazism, socialism, fascism, or anything else.

Your further comments about the United States and it's values and aspirations just demonstrates that you are completely out of touch with reality, and are just puking up your bizarre and idiosyncratic political theory. Truly, you do not live in the real world.

Ok, which other words are there to live in then? Please explain.
0 Replies
Tue 23 Oct, 2018 08:25 am
Your inability to comprehend my remarks and my criticisms is not evidence that they are wrong. You did not say anything clear and coherent about Foucault's alleged work. It's obvious that to you, fascist means "people and things I don't like." You just come out with more of your passive/aggressive attacks and insults. You are a complete waste of time, and have nothing to add to any intelligent discussion. Bye.
Tue 23 Oct, 2018 08:45 am
You did not say anything clear and coherent about Foucault's alleged work.
A pendulous problem of verity should we be talking about Leon
Tue 23 Oct, 2018 08:49 am
Leon Russell?

Tue 23 Oct, 2018 09:00 am
no, Leon Foucault.His math was a bit fucked up.
0 Replies
Tue 23 Oct, 2018 04:18 pm
I wuz just joshin', Boss.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Wed 24 Oct, 2018 10:57 am
Many also claim atheism is a religion.
Wed 24 Oct, 2018 02:24 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Many also claim atheism is a religion.

well, it is in a way, it IS an ideology, that is for sure.
Fri 26 Oct, 2018 03:09 am
of course the whole academic 'thing' is ridiculous to say the least.
And YES, including evil-lotion.

And the holy grail of peer-review isn't worth anything at all! IT IS ALL A HOAX:

Do dogs suffer “oppression based upon (perceived) gender”? Can observing human-canine interactions help us disrupt “hegemonic masculinities”? Clearly, there’s a dearth of scholarly research on this subject. That’s probably why the journal Gender, Place, and Culture was so excited to publish an academic paper titled, “Human reactions to rape culture and queer performativity at urban dog parks in Portland, Oregon” — to make an important contribution to the literature.

Well, sort of.

Turns out, the paper was part of a massive hoax. Three scholars — Helen Pluckrose, James Lindsay and Peter Boghossian — spent 10 months writing 20 fake, performatively absurd academic papers and submitting them to journals of identity studies and critical theory. The trio sought to expose the excesses of what they called “grievance studies”: academic fields that, in their view, had turned from seeking truth to promoting a narrow swath of progressive ideology, with the help of impenetrable jargon.


Still, by the time Pluckrose, Lindsay and Boghossian were caught out by the Wall Street Journal, seven of their fakes had been accepted for publication in real academic journals.

Again, as I say time and time again, you CAN'T TAKE ACADEMIA SERIOUSLY!!!!

what a joke it all is and people don't see it!

Fri 26 Oct, 2018 03:41 am
open access "journals" are mere commercial space. The "journals" carry ads and get their revenues from the ads.

I dont know how some of these headshrink journals work but OA journals in engineering and all kinds of sciences , usually put out a call sheet for articles. And they will print anything. I had a colleague who wrote and article about how satellite maps are useful in detecting heretofore unrecognized cities when viewed from sat scans.
They published it and everybody had fun with the "journals" integrity for not recognizing it was a joke.

This is just like all the Bullshit medical claims on weight loss supplements and "male enhancers " being hawked by "The Big Hurt" on cable TV.
You must have really been devastated when you found out that scientists are just people
0 Replies
Fri 26 Oct, 2018 03:44 am
when you larn somtin bout evlution, you let us know. K?

If I gt it right, the reason you deny evolution is because you flunked "Biology for Jocks" in college and are bitter.
Fri 26 Oct, 2018 03:47 am
How do you know OG is Scottish?
Fri 26 Oct, 2018 06:58 am
I got it Iz.
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