@Frank Apisa,
Quote:Is there a God? (And if you are just guessing, please let me know that you are just guessing.)
Q. cannot answer that question. If Q. could answer it Q. would be the most famous person in history. Q, can only answer whether Q, thinks there is a God or not or, as everybody knows, say that there is no evidence either way.
Q. might say that God is not defined in the question and thus the question is stupid.
And Q. could say that God is the personification of the Wisdom of the Ages in the culture Q. lives in and the Wisdom of the Ages is that wanking, pre-marital shagging, adultery, artificial birth control, homosexuality, incest, bestiality, married priests, and goodness knows what else in the purview of an innocent such as myself, are, singly or in combination/s, destructive of the particular culture which is the only reason the culture proscribed those practices in the first place, or prescribed for those with a cynical bent, having records of the destruction of other cultures.
Then Q. might be able to say that God exists because the Wisdom of the Ages exists despite the
faux pretence otherwise on the part of those who think it is a fact, not a guess, that It got it wrong.
Which It might be said to have done. The Bohemians and resurgent Pagan cults must think so for them to strain to make us all Bohemians and Pagan libertines which would, of course, render Bohemianism and Pagan libertinage normal and perfectly respectable and thus unsuitable as a medium for displaying "difference". Unexciting I mean.
If that were to happen I suspect they would jump into Puritanism as fast as the crew of a sinking ship jumps into a lifeboat. Being "different" being the main thing as Media is no longer interested in the ordinary, everyday prosaic world of unending tedium and unrelieved cocktails of angst and ennui.