Why do people deny evolution?

Thu 1 May, 2014 01:13 pm
Which book do you think contains the math you claim it does? You said you did the research but you can't tell us which book or what the math is?

I think you can't tell us because you haven't done any research. You are simply here to spout things that others have said without any thought of your own.
Thu 1 May, 2014 01:25 pm
Which book do you think contains the math you claim it does? You said you did the research but you can't tell us which book or what the math is?

I think you can't tell us because you haven't done any research. You are simply here to spout things that others have said without any thought of your own.

lol. here we go again.
just try to find the book here now and don't be that childish.
I know you can do that.
Maybe I spout things without any thought of mine, if you want to think that,
Go ahead, I don't care.

It is not about who has the thought offcourse.

If you are really intelligent , the only thing on your mind should be if it is true or not.


and well, it is true that 'evolution' is a hoax. I have also stated why and who did it. where did you get lost? Wink

0 Replies
Thu 1 May, 2014 01:28 pm
So you haven't done the math. You only read a book where someone claimed to do the math. That is different. What if the person who wrote that book got their math wrong? What if I can prove they got it wrong?


I LOVED this one! Thanks!
Well, it is smple, buy the book and check the math!
I have the book here myself, but it is way too much for this thread.
(that's why it is in a thing called a 'book'.)
But I can asure you, the math is allright.

But I understand you even have to attack 'the math' to defend the evolution religion. I get it.

well, go ahead, buy it and correcht it!

You are really funny.
Thu 1 May, 2014 01:36 pm
Which book? You haven't told us which book contains the "math" you claim exists.
Thu 1 May, 2014 01:52 pm
serach this thread, I have done that, yes.

It is a bit tiring if people don't read.
Thu 1 May, 2014 01:54 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Is there a God? (And if you are just guessing, please let me know that you are just guessing.)

Q. cannot answer that question. If Q. could answer it Q. would be the most famous person in history. Q, can only answer whether Q, thinks there is a God or not or, as everybody knows, say that there is no evidence either way.

Q. might say that God is not defined in the question and thus the question is stupid.

And Q. could say that God is the personification of the Wisdom of the Ages in the culture Q. lives in and the Wisdom of the Ages is that wanking, pre-marital shagging, adultery, artificial birth control, homosexuality, incest, bestiality, married priests, and goodness knows what else in the purview of an innocent such as myself, are, singly or in combination/s, destructive of the particular culture which is the only reason the culture proscribed those practices in the first place, or prescribed for those with a cynical bent, having records of the destruction of other cultures.

Then Q. might be able to say that God exists because the Wisdom of the Ages exists despite the faux pretence otherwise on the part of those who think it is a fact, not a guess, that It got it wrong.

Which It might be said to have done. The Bohemians and resurgent Pagan cults must think so for them to strain to make us all Bohemians and Pagan libertines which would, of course, render Bohemianism and Pagan libertinage normal and perfectly respectable and thus unsuitable as a medium for displaying "difference". Unexciting I mean.

If that were to happen I suspect they would jump into Puritanism as fast as the crew of a sinking ship jumps into a lifeboat. Being "different" being the main thing as Media is no longer interested in the ordinary, everyday prosaic world of unending tedium and unrelieved cocktails of angst and ennui.
0 Replies
Thu 1 May, 2014 01:58 pm
Are you claiming Spetner did the math?

Spetner didn't even get the entropy formula correct.
Thu 1 May, 2014 02:03 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Is there a God? (And if you are just guessing, please let me know that you are just guessing.)

Hmm I haven't seen this one. Why this question?

Do you assume I believe in a god and hence I don't believe in evolution?

Newsflash: It is easy to see that evolution is all wrong by itself.

It is a pity most 'evolutioinal evangelist' aren't very good at logic.

It is kind of saying "Either you are against us or you are with us"

You 'believe in God" OR "you 'believe in evolution"

It is a rather dumb 'logic', very childish black and white thing.

Well, it is possible to dismiss evolution and not believing in a god.

In fact it is rather easy, because there is no evidence for evolution.
And the 'evidence' what ever was were hoaxes, the peppermoth and things like that,

what 'science' that respects itself needs hoaxes....?
Thu 1 May, 2014 02:05 pm
Are you claiming Spetner did the math?

Spetner didn't even get the entropy formula correct.

well, find out for yourself, read the book, why not?
what do you have to lose? ah! a lot.

And it is not only him there is a lot on the internet that shows that 'evolution' is impossible if you do the math ( statistics).
Thu 1 May, 2014 02:11 pm
Since you can't do the math, how can we even discuss it?
Thu 1 May, 2014 02:13 pm
And it is not only him there is a lot on the internet that shows that 'evolution' is impossible if you do the math ( statistics).

And the statistics also say it almost impossible for you to win the Megamillions. But that is only starting from one ticket or 5 tickets or even 20 tickets.
Let me ask you, has no one ever won the lottery? Or do people win it all the time?
Thu 1 May, 2014 02:13 pm
o my o my o my

I told you that it is way too much for this thread,
why don't start reading the book?

I think you don't want to read the book, hence your questions.

Itf you were really, really, interested in the truth about evolution you would buy or rent the book.

see, you are just not interested enough.
Thu 1 May, 2014 02:15 pm
you just showed me you don't understand statistics and/or logic.

You just gave a very lousy 'analogy'.
Put another way, winning the lottery is not the same as evolution.
get it?

So it doesn't say a thing, that's clear.

But another question, why do you believe in the rubbish that is called evolution?
Frank Apisa
Thu 1 May, 2014 02:28 pm
Quehoniaomath wrote:

Is there a God? (And if you are just guessing, please let me know that you are just guessing.)

Hmm I haven't seen this one. Why this question?

Do you assume I believe in a god and hence I don't believe in evolution?

Nope. Just interested in why you are so dismissive of what these others are saying...and not offering an alternative.

Newsflash: It is easy to see that evolution is all wrong by itself.

I don't think so...but I do not accept it out-of-hand. I think there is much more to be investigated...and I think that is what is being done. In the meantime, the explanations given by scientists so far seems very persuasive.

It is a pity most 'evolutioinal evangelist' aren't very good at logic.

Ummm...not sure why you want to question other people's "logic" when yours seems to leave a bit to be desired. But that is the reason for my questions...to find out what logic you are using to arrive where you are.

It is kind of saying "Either you are against us or you are with us"

Not in any way. There may be a GOD...and the GOD may have designed evolution as a way to get to where IT wanted existence to go.

We have no quarrel on that.

You 'believe in God" OR "you 'believe in evolution"

It is a rather dumb 'logic', very childish black and white thing.

There is quite a bit of that going around, Q...and you are a contributor, in my estimation.

Well, it is possible to dismiss evolution and not believing in a god.

Not sure what you were trying to say here, but you did not succeed.

In fact it is rather easy, because there is no evidence for evolution.

There is lots of evidence, some persuasive, some not so persuasive...unless one wants to consider any evidence for it to be "not evidence." Bad form.

And the 'evidence' what ever was were hoaxes, the peppermoth and things like that,


what 'science' that respects itself needs hoaxes....?

It seems hoaxes have been a part of science from the start. One of the jobs of science is to weed that stuff out.

Anyway...don't want to be picky...but you didn't answer the question.

Is there a god?
Thu 1 May, 2014 02:40 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Nope. Just interested in why you are so dismissive of what these others are saying...and not offering an alternative.

always the same
Anyway, there not being no alternative doesn't make evolution right offcourse. evidence will make it right!


I don't think so...but I do not accept it out-of-hand. I think there is much more to be investigated...and I think that is what is being done. In the meantime, the explanations given by scientists so far seems very persuasive.

To you, not by me and many others But it is true in a way, it is about persuading. Isn't that what PR bureaus do? Wink
That you took the hook doesn't make it true.

Ummm...not sure why you want to question other people's "logic" when yours seems to leave a bit to be desired. But that is the reason for my questions...to find out what logic you are using to arrive where you are.

Because a lot of logic is wrong, ah well not even logic! What you are referring to has nothing to do with logic itself.
A lot of people call things the deeply belief in 'logic' or 'logical' But that doesn't make it logic offcourse.


Not in any way. There may be a GOD...and the GOD may have designed evolution as a way to get to where IT wanted existence to go.

We have no quarrel on that.

You 'believe in God" OR "you 'believe in evolution"

no Quarel???? about what??????????????????????????/
to 'believe in god, or 'belief in evolution' is offcourse not logical at all.
It is what is called a 'false dilemma' and it really is a logical fallacy.


It seems hoaxes have been a part of science from the start. One of the jobs of science is to weed that stuff out.

Anyway...don't want to be picky...but you didn't answer the question.

Is there a god?

I really don't know if there is a god and I see that question as total irrelevant in the discussion because one doesn't need a god to see that evolution is a hoax.
why is it a hoax? Because there is NO EVIDENCE.

it is a simpel as that, I don't need a god for that.

who are these people?????
Thu 1 May, 2014 03:02 pm
So you are arguing that evolution only occurs with one creature at a time? That seems a bit odd, don't you think? With quantillions if not octillions of living creatures on the earth today, we are required to restrict evolution to only one of them.

It seems to be you that doesn't understand statistics or logic since you require that evolution can only occur in one creature at a time and only one point in the DNA sequence at a time.
0 Replies
Thu 1 May, 2014 03:02 pm
why is it a hoax? Because there is NO EVIDENCE
There is a ton and a half of compelling repeatable falsifiable evidence that has been amassed over these last 155 years since Darwins "Origins of Species..."
The evidence is useable in many different venues and techy applications. All that evidence makes the Theory of Natural Selection An INDIPUTABLE FACT. lthough youre trying your best to dipute, Its not working because youre a real lightweight)
If you are an evolution denier, you've just got a personality quirk that languishes in "fringe" beliefs and mythology.Theyve got meetings for that

If you've no alternative argument then just being a scientific nihilist is Ok, just don't keep pushing that junk as if it were actual fact .
By not taking any stance you have no credibility on anything.

If its merely attention you want, Id suggest that you get a pet.

Thu 1 May, 2014 03:05 pm
Quehoniaomath wrote:

o my o my o my

I told you that it is way too much for this thread,

Actually, mathematical formulas are quite simple and hardly too complicated for this thread. Your inability to even post one says a lot about your inability to understand the math involved.
Thu 1 May, 2014 03:08 pm
@Frank Apisa,
the explanations given by scientists so far seems very persuasive.

There you go Q. It is actually only some scientists. The ones chosen by Apisa to be persuasive in his estimation. His posts are riddled with the same fatuous circularities. Although you might notice how equivocal that cut is. Missing out "some", "so far" and "very".

The circle cannot be broken out of if the social consequences of not denying evolution are not being considered when, at an intellectual and visceral level, it is the social consequences of not denying evolution which causes the denial of it. If social consequences are considered sophistries are no longer applicable and the discussion can proceed in an adult manner.

Roundabouts are for children's play areas.
Frank Apisa
Thu 1 May, 2014 03:09 pm
Quehoniaomath wrote:


Not in any way. There may be a GOD...and the GOD may have designed evolution as a way to get to where IT wanted existence to go.

We have no quarrel on that.

You 'believe in God" OR "you 'believe in evolution"

no Quarel???? about what??????????????????????????/
to 'believe in god, or 'belief in evolution' is offcourse not logical at all.
It is what is called a 'false dilemma' and it really is a logical fallacy.

They are neither a false dilemma nor a logical fallacy. They are simply guesses.

A "belief" in a god...is simply a guess that a god exists.

A "belief" that evolution accounts for where we are...is simply a guess that evolution accounts for where we are.

The latter guess seems to have a lot going for it...despite the fact that you are arbitrarily dismissive of the evidence...which you simply call "not evidence" or "a hoax."


It seems hoaxes have been a part of science from the start. One of the jobs of science is to weed that stuff out.

Anyway...don't want to be picky...but you didn't answer the question.

Is there a god?

I really don't know if there is a god and I see that question as total irrelevant in the discussion because one doesn't need a god to see that evolution is a hoax.

Good answer. You do not know. I don't either...and I suspect most of us don't. Some might...but...but...

However, to go from there to "evolution is a hoax" is a step way too far. Don't you see how illogical it is to make that leap?

why is it a hoax? Because there is NO EVIDENCE.

Even if there were no evidence (and I think there is an abundance of evidence)...but even if there were no evidence...

...it would not be logical to assert that therefore it is a hoax.

it is a simpel as that, I don't need a god for that.

No...you do not need a god to gratuitously assert that evolution is a hoax. You can simply do it.

But if you do it, Q, you really shouldn't be questioning other people's logic!

who are these people?????

The ones who are not you, Q.

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