It is possible to live a reasonably productive life without understanding science that underpins evolution. It would not include , of course, any functional contributions to science and medicine since evolution is the clearly provable foundation of biology.
Listing John Sarfati as a "credible witness" is laughable. Hes a fraudulent huckster of Creationism. (A worldview that is based upon a strict belief in Fundamentalist Christianity and a strict belief in the Christian Bible as history. ) He still hawks a historical belief that a Universal Flood had occurred. His only scientific training was his PhD diss on a spectroscopic analysis of a specific metal crystal structure. HES DONE NOTHING in any science since. Hes found it way easier to push the "science" of creationism (He professes a Historical Genesis without evidence and his evidence that he posts is silliness)
Ive listend to his talks and have even used a series of tapes of his to present to undergraduate stratigraphy classes in the past.
The presentation of his stuff is easily debunked by undergraduate kids who understand their basics. His"Science" arguments have always been unreproduceable and evidence-free.
You will always have hucksters of the "Faith" who will publish this kind of science sounding drivvle. I fully expet you to next produce some optical crystallography work by Steve Austen who also became a Creationist after not receiving tenure .
Sarfati keeps Richard Dawkins busy since Dawkins has made himself some kind of banner holder when he too, is guilty of thrumming his own cases from dubious evidence connections. Yet Dawkins, as annoying as he is, is much closer to full fact than is Safarti.
Theres a recent book by Safarti called "
15 REASONS TO TAKE GENESIS AS HISTORY" Its full of quarter truths and nothing that isn't smelling of Fundamentalist "code talk". It is highly enjoyable and , if his are the best arguments out there, the "culture wars" are over.
Hes one of those guilty of supporting (by mild reference) bogus C14 sampling of Cretaceous fossils and claiming they are less than 50000 yBp
The very first samples analyzed were covered in shellac (probably 1930 age ) and more recent fossils had been taken in desert deposits where periodic storm water had inundated the fossils and left behind Carbonate rich evaporitic deposits of stuff like Pyrrsohnite and natron in the pores of the fossil substance. So all of the fossils to date have been reading new lacquer or new carbonate minerals full of new C14. Yet, none of these matters were disclosed to the labs who did the analyses. As far as has been determined, the labs were "kept out" of the QA process/.
Objective SCience?. its a fraud similar to the carved footprints of "Humans" in the Paluxy dinosaur beds of Texas.
The summary of Creationism "s science" has been tried in US courts and has been found severely lacking in anything compelling.
ALL court cases(Including the USSC) say all this Creationist bullshit is NOT to be included within science disciplines of our public schools. SO many newly hatched parochial schools (based upon Fundamentalist Christianity), will teach "Bible Science" and skirt the state requirements against "religion being dressed up as science"