well then you should better understand. I said that your thinking about an IDer is revalatory not conclusional. You apparently do NOT unerstand how ID as a belief, isnt even a methodology. There is NO way in hell that you can even evaluate all the packs of evidence except to say ( a priori) that your conclusions have already been made. Thats not even close to being science (which is a- posteriori).
If you merely continue in your delusion, its gret cause you offer no rel hallenges of actual evidence in anything you say. Youve only attempted (nd poorly, I may say) to sully the evidence based conclusions (and the evidence itself) that science produces by discovery, investigation and experimentation.
Id be really happy to engage you in some real differences of opinion where your opinion is actually based on some real tactile evidence.
Ive patiently requested of you, over and over, and all I get are your "victim" claims (delivered as insults mostly about my scientific integrity ) .
Lets return with a visit back to one of your more creative statements. It was the one about how an IDer would actually post fossils and geologic strata (I think you implied the geology ) so that it would be smart enough to provide humans with enough "Salted" relic and evidence so that we would be fooled to believe that we are the observers of a truly natural world. How could you arrive at that hypothesis in a fashion that sustains a fully scientific methodology? You hqve NO way to prove, disprove, or even test that statement, you realize??
So why is it even up on the table as something rational.(I assume we are striving for rational thought? (Or have you moved on to another plane??).
I watched a show about the Chihuahuan desert of N Mxico. There exist on that desert plain, a myriad of sinkhole ponds (cenotes) that still contain fish , (cichlid species that were seeded in the area by an inland lake that was drying as the cenotes formed), Im not certain of the exact geomorphology. The main point is that, of the hundreds of cenotes, full of cichlid genera, No two cenotes contain the same species. ALL species provide DNA evidence of having split off from a common ancestor cichlid when the cenote began forming and the fish were trapped. adaptive radiation took over and the many new species have developed into new and wondrous forms, ch with separate "jobs and hobbies"
Coulld you come up with a work plan that , by research, would provie some kind of evidence and mens of falsification so as to discern ID involvement? Or are your earlier beliefs about ID enough for you??