Quote: That’s why I don’t bother debating biology with you anymore
Actually I nver realized that you were "debating genetics". You seem to recite from several websites and expect folks to buy in.
Ive never begun from a poition where I assert that Im right, Im not a traind geneticist but I AM a trained organic hemist with biochem experience. I hve to chuckle at how you deny that pre bio chemicals and radicals like those I posted above, simply can link, react, share bonds and grow via esterification or various kinds of linkages. Youve consistently denied that this is possible (Which really shows a profound lack of learning on your part).
Whil Miller and Urey were incorrect in their assumptions of proto archan atmospehers and environments, their result, when viewed by todays advanced spectrographic means, reveals that they relly were on the right track
Add Cyanide to water with Hydrogen sulfide Iron sulfide and wet-ethane and then zap it all in a negative Eh, acidic pH, and you can actually create AMINO ACIDS. You dont think all those radicals and molecules couldn't exist together in the HAdean world??
See, paleo biochemistry can prove the existence of the reducing ( and wet gaseous) HAdean atmosphere and its environments . The chemicals have existed in matrix for several BILLION years.
However, theres no way in hell we can look for or find an IDer. (Thats where the MN comes to the fore)
Whether you care to debate me or not I GAF. Ill just inert a fact whenever you post some of the stuff you did about n IDer who plopped fossils around so wed find em and this was part of his overall plan.
You have to provide the evidence about this hypothesis, if there is none or can not be dicovered, then it NOT SCIENCE--simple