. Let me add my .02c worth of opinion. The history of Jesus is only 2000 years old while Homo sapiens have been around for 200,000 years. Planet earth has been around for over 4.5 billion years, not the 7,000 years claimed in the Bible. Do you see the illogic of a god appearing so late in human history? Also, this god appeared in Jerusalem based on mythology, born of a virgin. There is no proof of any existence of any god(s). They are created in the minds of men who wish to control the masses. Also, why are there so many gods created by the different cultures in other lands? It's because there's a need in humans to wish there was a higher power that created this universe. Finally, study the findings of scientists on the evolution of Homo sapiens. Like many life forms on this planet, we evolved from the primates. Evolution is a fact that many refuse to accept. If you still have doubts, visit the Charles Darwin Research Center in the Galapagos Islands where they study evolution, and provide proof.