For example . I looked back onto gungasnakes pictures of the reddish tissue that was extrcted out of the hard rock matrix that wqs dated clearly as 8o+mya.
Gungas entire group argument is that
"Soft tissue cannot be as old as 65 million years" Therefore its gotta be young. NOW REALLY, How does anyone even arrive at that statement scientifically? No efforts have been made by anyone (Of whom Im familiar) to cover us with evidence that, indeed, anything "soft" can only be so many yers old and no older. NO DATA or evidence has been forwarded . Its all done by arm waving and an appeal to some form of "Creationit common sense"
Indeedd, we know that there are many forms of very old fossil materials that ARE as "soft" as the samples that Dr SChweitzer had found in Hell Creek (Carboniferous waxws and "adipossier", amber, glossopteris fossil leaves from the Permian, soft coal).
Im sure there are others (especially in the plnt kingdom.
These lend themselves to careful study of how they were formed. Dr SChweitzers team has, recently reported, that the specific fossilization of the tissue in the T rex , was a result of iron complexing and preservation. NOW shes out looking for more fossil knee joints inthe HEll Creek and other deposits (like the Morison Fm) where science can lern qbout an entirely new means of preservation of "soft tissue" and perhaps, ven proteinaceous material.
Big Pronouncements require big proof. SCience works that way, I feel that the anti-science crowd should obey the same rules and not merely engage in alternative facts.