@Fil Albuquerque,
Unfortunately, you have to understand how our Constitution works. We cant, by law, "silence" denial, we can only make sure that it doesnt be made into umb laws(like the old Butler Act). By doing so, we have to rise to its challenge (and they know that). Look at all the slick ads these guys put out. They know that their crap is Full of gobbledeegook, neologisms, "scientistic talk" and just plain lies. They, in the spirit of religious freedom, are compelled to deny all the progress that many coalescing branches of science have made. They feel that they are right and we MUST give them their time to display how stupid they sound, otherwise , their credibility just grows by our silence. Part of our problems here is that most of science has born little "priesthoods" that often sound jut like religions, what with "inside" references tht require study to understqnd, and jargon filled discussions. I know I tqlk "Research Rock-tlk" qherever Im at nd my wife is always kicking me.
Many Scientific journals (including Elsevier on your side) have decided to come up with "Plain Language" abstracts of their work because, many times, the scientific jargon we use to communicate among disciplines, doesnt connect with people who arent workers in a field but are interested in sciences as amateur scientists. The Creqtionists love this because they can spout their scientism and noone really is wiser. Many open minded people feel that both sides have some merit.
I let gunga go because hes never failed to demonstrate how baseless his claims are. (Witness his "genetic entropy" and his defenses of "Dilemma").
Were now in a possible lawsuit with a Creationist Organization in another state based on religious freedom and "Right of Assembly" (like a charter school) and they love to play "VICTIM"> because we , the science "Inc" deadwood are crushing these new and novel "scientific" hypotheses from being taught in charter schools (which , in most states,receive about half (or more) of their funding from the taxpayers )
So far, all the concepts these guys have raised have been shot down by exposing them to debate among powers within a court environment.
YOU GUYS do not have to **** with much of that so, rather than painting ourentire population with a brush of ignorance (I was partially kidding above), please understand that we are quite happy with our basis of law. It affords anyone n OPPORTUNITY to be heard. AND!!! most importqntly, these ID qnd Creationist guys account for less than 0.5% of the population