I was always a "lumper". Creating a species name for every new fossil find is silly when we have examples of sexual dimorphism in birds, mammals, and insects and even polymorphism in insects and fish. Perhaps the Damnisi fossils will show that erectus was the core species and(possibly the only) species that spawned sapiens and neanderthalensis. Most scientists in research want to be associted with a "very important discovery" so paleoanthropology is one of those areas that wvery new fossil is a very important find.
Youve got me dead wrong about labelling critics of evolution as Creationists. I label Creationists as Creationists when Ive got clear evidence thats what they are. When you say that Axe has no religious basis for his claims, I say that you are woefully unknowing of the mans history . He was around as a "Scientific Creationist" just before the ID movement split off from those guys when they lost in te SUpreme Court case (Aguillard v Edwards). He was an author of the "Wedge Document" (Which youve gotta read if you call yourself an IDer).
We 'Creationists' don't give you a pass, we just know you won't pay any attention to the argument presented
Thats totally untrue because Ive just given you the point of argument and have herd NOTHING from gunga, other "doubters" and you. I just assumed that you guys knew nothing about that skull grouping. I got a wee tired waiting for gungas 1940 knoqledge to catch up. Hes still arguing the old fruit fly xperiments when they sliced off genes (because they didnt understqnd Point qnd multi associated mutations)
You are correct with the "derivation of the theory" biut you dont understand that the DATA DEFINES THE THEORY. Evolutionary theory has gone through so many quick rinses and deep divides from the 1950's till now (think about Damnisi). Evidence for evolution is circumstantial, I agree. BUT its in massive amounts of circumstnces. It mounts up almost weekly and yet NO DATA OR EVIDENCE has been found that refutes it.
Science of chem, geology, paleo, genetics mbryology, and math modelling all agree.
CAN ID/Creationism say that? All I see is a full court press to try to disparage any piece of this evidence . There are so many presumptive conditions necessary for Creationism to work that almost any piece of data needs to be shut down or tried to meld into creationist hypotheses.
The problem with dating skulls or human bones is that e cant date the bones accurately once they are >50000 yrs old (and we dont know ho old they ere until after we get some kind of C14 date)
We have to date old skulls by dating the sediments from which they were extracted. Therefore, Olduvai and the rest of the African rift valley provide us with volcanic ash from which we develop dates from Radio isotope dating of zircon and monazite crystals.
Its all circumstantial but it all constitutes good forensics. It builds lab techniques, clean-up and QA tests, and reinforces rules of radioisotope dating.
On that list of Creationist sites I included in a past post, I included the Earth History Research Center. These guys are associated with a Seventh Dy Adventists University and, even though the U is Fundamentalist, the Earth History Guys hqve been totally honest in their investigatory results. They have set themselves up as "Search for Truth" guys for Creationist believers, and they actually Test stuff about the Flood, Paluxey River human footprints , etc. In all cases, so fr, these guys have found for science qnd have discounted ALL of the Creationist claims to evidence such things as a "young Earth". "Evidence for a Flood" etc. What theyve left themselves with is a Ken Miller type of Christianity where God becomes Transcendent and was the author of Creation (not its" mechanic").
Such a Christianity leaves much room open for actual research and makes guys like Dawkins an Coyne just sound like the snarky smart asses they are.