I'm not familiar with a few things on your list but there are more than enough known valid ones on it that even the orthodox evolution scientists are starting to question all the assumptions in evolution.
ALL of the items on his list have been sufficiently debunked for all but the Creationist denilist mind.
His only new thing is "genetic entropy". I missed his reference to this because (IM SURE) the Creationists have just picked up on Dr Sanford's beliefs.
hes a botanist who, while doing plant genetics, became a Fundamentalist Christian and "bought into" ll the Young Earth Bullshit.He "believes" that the entire earth is about 100K years old. His entire argument is pretty much geology based, in his thinking. A subject that even he admits he has only an amateur's knowledge. Sanford bases his entire hypothesis on an idea by Crow nd Konrashov, that says ALL LIFE IS DOOMED TO EXTINCTION IN A FEW GENERATIONS. We know that is BS from simple observation of long lived adaptees to long existing environments (like the Coelacanth, ahich has been seen as a fossil in the Jurassic).
We know that C&K were dead wrong because selection removes "unfit" genotypes and phenotypes. Keep an eye on polar bears nd Hippos. They will either adapt and evolve, or go extinct due to rapidly changing environments.
We understand how some religions are impediments to SPecial Creation beliefs, and descent from a common ancestor, and "man-apes". But as it stnds, there seems to be no real evidence that supports ID or Creationist thinking.