Quote:Yet you consistently show that you lack fundamental understanding of science.
You consistently show that you can't even speak English properly or know how to engage in a discussion. Otherwise you would not pass such a judgement without defining "fundamental understanding" and "science".
That you assume that everybody knows what those terms mean is nothing but cast iron evidence of your swollen ego and control freakery which are the precise characteristics that a denial of evolution intends to prevent coming to power and ruling over us by using esoteric mumbo-jumbo that few of us understand.
"Moron" is not all that far removed from "reactionary filth" which was the term used by Kin Jong Twato to justify to the N. Korean people his having his uncle summarily shot.
If you can't define those terms you used then it is a simple fact that your statement is nothing but brain fart. And brain fart you insist we all have to have a sniff at.
You wouldn't want yourself in charge never mind us.
I could think of a few things you repress from consciousness, a serious form of denial, which you know are true. Biological things. Things that one doesn't mention in polite company.
What evidence have you that evolution is not denied for the same reason. It is a pretty disgusting subject when not prettied up by snake oil salespersons seeking to insinuate themselves into our trust and relying on our gullibility. Like the Victorians prettied up pianos with veils on the legs.
I hope it isn't Professor Brian Cox who has carried you away on your flight of fanciful fatuity. He is trying to do for science what Rudolf Valentino did for armpit snuffling. And with a very large slice of the population being a bit matronly, and thus fairly experienced in scientific medical interventions of one sort or another, the bugger is making a killing. He might be said to be the first Science Star. The other candidates being grumpy old codgers to a man.
He is so good he can carry himself away. Like Strangelove in the movie. I don't think he fakes it all the time. Unless he deployed half an onion to his eyes before the director shouted "roll 'em" and the clapperboard clapped shut in the scene where he contemplated for us the ocean and it did seem to me that he was overwhelmed. What it did for the viewers I can't say. It had me spluttering cake crumbs mixed with cocoa all over the coffee table.
Do you think a taxonomist would say that a coffee table should be re-categorised when some other beverage is being consumed. "Coffee table" is a bit unscientific, not to say ridiculous, when cocoa is being consumed. Like "snooker table" when it is being used for the only other thing it is worth using it for besides snooker playing. That is a pleasant evening pastime; the metaphorical aspects of which I have not yet got to the bottom of as I think I have with cricket. Cricket is less ironic. With the Pink valued 6, in a six colour range from 2 to 7, and the Black valued 7, you might get the idea. The Black spot is the hardest spot to pot off you see. Yellow is 2. Shunned unless the necessity arises. The White is the potting ball and the pocket is the target. The cue is applied to the potting ball with a force suitable for the occasion and the energy of the impact is transmitted to the potting ball which passes it to the ball to be potted and if the correct alignments are achieved it is potted into the pocket.
Pool is simply shallow. Like NFL. We are never shown baseball so I assume it has nothing going for it to use in rounding people up to watch ads.
If we were just another "species" that an alien professor of galactic biology was examining it might notice such things and see fit to write a report about it as we do about creatures which haven't had a report written about them yet or at least not for a year or two. (Know what I mean fm?)
And it would miss the point because it relied upon its physical observations and was blissfully ignorant that human wit was in play.
That's another reason to deny evolution. It's ******* witless. And quite amusing for being so.
And I bet Cox tucks his shirt into his underpants.