I do not obfusticate izzy. I look for the clearest way of communicating an idea which is acceptable for A2K. I can be a lot clearer in the pub with those who are familiar with my conversation.
And I don't try to ensure the debate is on my terms. I try to ensure it is on scientific terms as this is a science forum. The only reason I can think for you saying otherwise is that you think my terms are identical with science's terms. Which is true as near as I can make it.
Will you show me anything I have said anywhere which was not on science's terms? There's 10 years' worth to go at.
It has **** all to do with me. Nobody can do science when it has the slightest bit to do with them. That's what's wrong on here. It has everything to do with these others and in particular with their little dickies. And it was the application of science which provided ample evidence of that in thousands of conversations. I had not thought it to be the case mind you. I thought, in the blessed
naivete of my youthful years, that I was discussing such matters with men of principle and conviction but as gossip trickled out it became apparent that going into bat for evolution strongly correlated with serious infractions of the Christian teaching on dicks and cunts. 100%. "Where have you been my blue-eyed son?/Where have you been my darling young one?
It's an observational position requiring that decades be spent in the same place, going to the same pub and running with the same set. You don't get much scuttle-buck with mobile people. Perhaps that is why they are mobile. If there weren't some buildings in the way I could see the house where I was born from my bedroom window.
The effect was apparent in Media as well. All you had to do was find out a bit about a commentator and all his opinions were explained. Take the 3-wived Emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford and onetime Oxford University's Professor for Public Understanding of Science as a typical example. I bet his nick-name is Dickie.
Fancy getting bloody married when you have rendered the term meaningless by your own actions. Pressure from you know where in the interest of security I suppose. Under the cosh. Serially.
And what interest do I have in agreeing with the Christian moral code? I fought the jagged bit of that harness as hard as anybody. I think I have developed a sympathy with the little lads I see strapped into baby walkers, usually asleep or sucking a lollipop, and feel a bit sorry for them the way things are going.
Did you know that sunspots are dwindling and that the last time that happened coincided with the mini-ice-age when markets and fairs set up on the Thames where I assume rents were not due. Months at minus 10.at lunchtime. Year after year. Imagine that izzy. And the banks wobbly. The ME in flames. With some virus stoking up somewhere. Antibiotics in a race with it and predicted to lose.