Quote:More ignorant blather
Blather has no effect on me. Why does it on you?
Do you think everybody needs you to tell them it was blather? It's no use telling me. Do you not trust the reverences and worships who read here to be able to identify blather without your help. You
are a budding little control freak aren't you.
It is stopping budding little control freaks from flowering in the fulsomeness of their floundering fatuity that is the subject here and not having once seen a pea germinating in some damp blotting paper in a jam jar on the biology classroom windowsill.
And I am bloody well amazed that I don't have enthusiastic support. It must be that A2Kers are blissfully ignorant of what little control freaks are like when in full bloom in the summer sunshine. It might be that they think your lot are no danger after you've grease-balled them with your medical salvation promises and failed to mention science as a tool to refine tyranny and to make war more efficient.
They are like Kim Jong Twato.
Asserting that I don't know anything about the subject when I have been exercising the minds of cod-evolutionists on A2K for ten years and then deriving the conclusion from such a ridiculous assertion that I was talking "typical spendius nonsense" is junior girl's school playground baby talk.