Quote:The people who use these "natural tools" have a deep desire to pass this information on and to share it with those coming after.
Nah!! They have a deep desire to use the information which others are too busy to soak up, or find too banal to bother with, and use it to try to look good, take control and revise Christian teachings regarding rumpy-pumpy to suit their personal circumstances.
There is not a single podium spouter on the joyous message of evolution who doesn't look like an over-expanded ego. Obviously such people avoid pubs because they are ego reducing institutions.
And they avoid answering questions in an adult manner and are content to sling mud at the questioner as if the question and the questioner are the same things.
You're on an "oohing" and "aahing" fairground sideshow old boy in the area where the toy aeroplanes and motor cars go around it little circles with their occupants waving at their doting moms and pops.
Evolution is simply a long winded and exceedingly repetitive codification by pedantic taxonomists of what had been known for thousands of years. It discovered nothing, it cannot be falsified and words and spurious authority can be used to fit everything for its use. It requires no intelligence beyond the average which is why Darwin spent so much time picking the brains of pigeon fanciers, some of whom were illiterate, and why so many averagely intelligent people attempt to use it to fake being above average or to justify their licentious behaviour. Probably both in the average case.
What it needs to really catch on is some style. Some black masses, unusual vestments, spectacular effects with coloured lights and atonal sound patterns, brain states altered under narcotics of one sort or another and ending, climaxing, in an orgy of writhing debauchery on and around the altar. Obviously with a Priestess officiating.
That might give it a bit of a zing I should think.
When you have seen one fossil you've seen them all.